Get tired of typing the same commands over and over like creating Postgres user, database, creating and restoring database backups? Postgressor allow you to manage your (Postgres) application database and user within simple commands:
$ postgressor -h
postgressor createuser # Create app database user
postgressor dropuser # Drop app database user
postgressor createdb # Create app database
postgressor dropdb # Drop app database
postgressor dumpdb # Dump (backup) app database
postgressor restoredb # Restore app database from backup
postgressor --version, -v # Print the version
postgressor help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
All what you need is DATABASE_URL in format like: DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:app_user_pass@host/app_db_name"
. Also Postgressor automatically check .env
file (if present) to read DATABASE_URL from there.
Posgressor requires Ruby
>= 2.3.0
To install:
$ gem install postgressor
env option (used in examples below) to print postgres commands which will be executed
createuser and dropuser
To create user:
You can provide
option to create user as SUPERUSER
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor createuser
Executing: sudo -i -u postgres psql -c CREATE USER app_user WITH CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD '123456';
Created user app_user
To drop user:
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor dropuser
Executing: sudo -i -u postgres dropuser app_user
Dropped user app_user
createdb and dropdb
To create database:
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor createdb
Executing: PGPASSWORD=123456 createdb app_db -h localhost -U app_user
Created database app_db
To drop database:
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor dropdb
Executing: PGPASSWORD=123456 dropdb app_db -h localhost -U app_user
Dropped database app_db
dumpdb and restoredb
To perform database backup to the current directory:
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor dumpdb
Executing: PGPASSWORD=123456 pg_dump app_db -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -f app_db.dump -h localhost -U app_user
Dumped database app_db to app_db.dump file
To restore database from backup file:
Note: sometimes backup restore will fail if current user is not superuser, so there is option
to temporary switch user to SUPERUSERNote: recreate (drop and create) database before restore to omit some possible errors
$ DATABASE_URL="postgres://app_user:123456@localhost/app_db" VERBOSE=true postgressor restoredb app_db.dump --switch_to_superuser
Executing: sudo -i -u postgres psql -c ALTER ROLE app_user SUPERUSER;
Set user app_user to SUPERUSER
Executing: PGPASSWORD=123456 pg_restore app_db.dump -d app_db --no-acl --no-owner --verbose -h localhost -U app_user
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "public"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "SCHEMA public"
pg_restore: creating EXTENSION "plpgsql"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "EXTENSION plpgsql"
Restored database app_db from app_db.dump file
Executing: sudo -i -u postgres psql -c ALTER ROLE app_user NOSUPERUSER;
Set user app_user to NOSUPERUSER
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.