
Converts Royal Mail PAF (Postcode Address File) addresses to a printable format for an envelope or address label.

This is an unofficial gem to apply Royal Mail Rules & Exceptions when converting PAF addresses. Based on the Royal Mail Programmers' Guide, 'Formatting a PAF address for printing' (page 27).

Conversions aim to resemble addresses returned by Royal Mail Find a PostCode as accurately as possible.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'postman_paf'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install postman_paf


Add PostmanPAF into a project:

include PostmanPAF

Convert method

Converting this simple address:

                     buildingName: "1A",
                     thoroughfareName: "EXAMPLE ROAD",
                     postTown: "EXAMPLE TOWN",
                     postcode: "SA99 1BN",
                     dps: "1A",
                     language: "EN",
                     country: "WALES" 


{"line1"=>"1A EXAMPLE ROAD", "line5"=>"EXAMPLE TOWN", "postcode"=>"SA99 1BN", "country"=>"WALES", "language"=>"EN", "dps"=>"1A"}

Converting this more complex address:

                     subBuildingName: "1 EXAMPLE HOUSE 2A",
                     buildingName: "EXAMPLE PLACE 3-4",
                     thoroughfareName: "EXAMPLE ROAD",
                     postTown: "EXAMPLE TOWN",
                     postcode: "SA99 1BN",
                     dps: "1A",
                     language: "EN",
                     country: "WALES" 


{"line1"=>"1 EXAMPLE HOUSE 2A EXAMPLE PLACE", "line2"=>"3-4 EXAMPLE ROAD", "line5"=>"EXAMPLE TOWN", "postcode"=>"SA99 1BN", "country"=>"WALES", "language"=>"EN", "dps"=>"1A"}

PostmanPAF can convert a single PAF address as a Hash, or multiple PAF addresses as an Array of Hashes.

PAF address Hashes must include postTown and postcode keys as a minimum requirement.

Optional Arguments

To limit lines 1-5 of a printable address to a maximum number of characters, use the optional argument max_line_length. Note that this will cause data to be 'cut off' in places, e.g. 'TOWN' in postTown below:

                     buildingName: "1A",
                     thoroughfareName: "EXAMPLE ROAD",
                     postTown: "EXAMPLE TOWN",
                     postcode: "SA99 1BN",
                     dps: "1A",
                     language: "EN",
                     country: "WALES" }, max_line_length: 10)


{"line1"=>"1A EXAMPLE", "line5"=>"EXAMPLE TO", "postcode"=>"SA99 1BN", "country"=>"WALES", "language"=>"EN", "dps"=>"1A"}

If you want to view the Rule & Exception(s) applied to the address during format conversion, set the optional argument logging to true. This:

                     buildingName: "1A",
                     thoroughfareName: "EXAMPLE ROAD",
                     postTown: "EXAMPLE TOWN",
                     postcode: "SA99 1BN",
                     dps: "1A",
                     language: "EN",
                     country: "WALES" }, logging: true)

Returns the converted address format along with a log to STDOUT:

[2023-12-25 11:11:11 +0000  INFO  PostmanPAF] -- ["1A EXAMPLE ROAD", "EXAMPLE TOWN"] | rule3 | exception_ii | SA99 1BN


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to

Special thanks to Alexander O'Mahoney, Christopher Thomas and Deepak Thankachan.

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