Powershop OAuth Client
This is an Ruby OAuth Client library for the Powershop API (more details available at Powershop or on the Google Group).
It borrows heavily from John Nunemaker’s Twitter Ruby Client. Thanks!
Authenticating With OAuth
(Note that there is an executable example in examples/powershop_example.rb. You can get more detail about OAuth itself at the OAuth Site)
First, you’ll need a Consumer Key/Secret pair from Powershop. You can obtain one by contacting [email protected].
Then create a new client like so:
require 'powershop'
powershop_client = Powershop::Client.new(YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)
You can get a Request Token like this:
request_token = powershop_client.request_token(:oauth_callback => "http://mysite.com/oauth/callback")
NB: Powershop requires you specify an OAuth Callback URL for your request token. The library will default to “oob” (Out-Of-Band) if you don’t specify a URL. Using “oob” means Powershop will provide your user with a verifier that they must manually copy and paste into your application (useful for Desktop applications or similar). Otherwise, the OAuth Callback URL is a URL your users will get redirected to along with an :oauth_verifier param once they’ve authenticated at Powershop.
Keep your Request Token/Secret pair around (the session is a good place in Rails) – as you’ll need it later.
You’ll then need to redirect your user to the authentication URL for the request token. In Rails, this looks something like:
redirect_to request_token.
Once they’ve authenticated at Powershop they’ll get redirected to your callback with a verifier, and you can then exchange your Request Token for an Access Token like so:
powershop_client.(request_token.token, request_token.secret, params[:oauth_verifier])
(Assuming that params is a hash of GET parameters, similar to Rails)
You can then get an Access Token/Secret pair.
You should store this in your Database or somewhere similarly persistent – you can use it later to authenticate in a single step:
require 'powershop'
powershop_client = Powershop::Client.new(YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, YOUR_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)
powershop_client.(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET)
Using the Library
Most of the details of the library should be pretty self-explanatory. (If you’re stuck, all the calls are tested in test/client_test.rb and Powershop provides a really useful PDF)
# properties is the result of the "customer_details" API call, it returns an array of Powershop::Property objects
# you can set the property to use for all subsequent calls (i.e automatically append the icp_number param)
# Note that you'll need to set the property for all the following calls
# get a list of all products available
# get some meter readings (the "end_date" parameter defaults to now)
powershop_client.meter_readings(:start_date => 2.weeks.ago)
# top up power
top_up_details = powershop_client.get_top_up
# then you should display these details to your user...
powershop_client.top_up!(:offer_key => top_up_details.offer_key)
# updating meter readings (use a hash of register number => reading pairs)
powershop_client.post_meter_readings({ "1000:1" => 40568, "1000:2" => 45638 })