Language Syntax Pragmas - Let's Evolve Ruby by Experiment in a Pragma(tic) Way

pragmas gem / library - language syntax pragmas - turn on the future today or add your own ideas for easy (re)use for everyone - let's evolve the ruby language together by experimenting in the wild in a pragma(tic) way

What's a Pragma?

Is this a new idea? No. (Almost) every programming language has pragma(tic) language flags / directives. See Directive (programming) @ Wikipedia for more.

What about Ruby today?

Yes, Ruby has (a few built-in) pragmas too in the form of "magic" comment pragmas / directives. With Ruby 2.3 and higher, the following are available:

  • # encoding: Defaults to utf-8 but you can use any supported encoding. See (or run) Encoding.name_list for all (built-in) encodings.
  • # coding: A shorthand alias for # encoding:.
  • # frozen_string_literal: Defaults to false but you can use true or false. When enabled, Ruby throw errors when (frozen) strings (literals) are changed "in-place".
  • # warn_indent: Defaults to false but you can use true or false. When enabled, and running Ruby with the -w option, throws warnings for code that isn't indented by two spaces.


# encoding:              utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
# warn_indent:           true

The idea with pragmas is to let everyone (yes, you can) add ideas for easy (re)use for everyone -
let's evolve the ruby language syntax together by experimenting in the wild in a pragma(tic).
Turn on the future today with pragmas.


By Example

To be done


What's a (Language Syntax Preprocessor) Pragma / Directive? See Directive (programming) @ Wikipedia on Pragmas in other languages (including C/C++, Ada, Common Lisp, Turbo Pascal, Perl, Haskell, Python, JavaScript, and more).


The pragmas scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send your questions and comments to the ruby-talk mailing list. Thanks!