Class: Praxis::MediaType

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An Internet Media Type as defined in RFC 1590, as used in HTTP (see RFC 2616). As used in the Praxis framework, media types also define the structure and content of entities of that type: the attributes that exist, their names and types.

An object with a media type can be represented on the wire using different structured-syntax encodings; for example, a controller might respond with an actual Widget object, but a Content-Type header specifying ‘application/vnd.acme.widget+json’; Praxis uses the information contained in the media-type definition of Widget to transform the object into an equivalent JSON representation. The use of media types allows your application’s models to be decoupled from its HTTP interface specification.

A media type definition consists of:

- a MIME type identifier
- attributes, each of which has a name and a data type
- named views, which expose interesting subsets of attributes


Declare a widget type that’s used by my supply-chain management app

class MyApp::MediaTypes::Widget < Praxis::MediaType
  description 'Represents a widget'
  identifier 'application/vnd.acme.widget'

  attributes do
    attribute :id, Integer
      description: 'Database ID'
    attribute :href, Attributor::Href,
      description: 'Canonical resource refernece'
    attribute :color, String,
      example: 'red'
    attribute :material, String,
      description: 'Construction medium of the widget',
      values: ['copper', 'steel', 'aluminum']
    attribute :factory, MyApp::MediaTypes::Factory,
      description: 'The factory in which this widget was produced'

  # All resources will be assigned a default_fieldset (with only non-blueprint attributes)
  # But one can explicitly tailor that by using the `default_fieldset` DSL
  default_fieldset do
    attribute :id
    attribute :color
    attribute :material

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Blueprint

#object, #validating

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Blueprint

#_cache_key, _finalize!, #_get_attr, as_json_schema, attributes, cache, cache=, caching_enabled=, caching_enabled?, check_option!, default_fieldset, define_attribute!, define_reader!, define_readers!, domain_model, dump, example, family, generate_default_fieldset!, inherited, #initialize, json_schema_type, load, new, parse_default_fieldset, #render, resolve_domain_model!, #to_h, valid_type?, validate, #validate, view

Methods included from Finalizable

#_finalize!, extended, #finalizable, #finalize!, #finalized?, #inherited

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Praxis::Blueprint