Pretty Doc

Pretty Doc is quick and convenient markdown to html converter with beautiful templates, aiming to provide a simple tool to generate beautiful docs for common use.



  • Beautiful built-in templates: default, bootstrap, parallel
  • Code highlight
  • Markdown TOC supports
  • Easy to customize template
  • Support GFM( GitHub Flavored Markdown ) syntax


Template Parallel


Pretty Doc is relied on ruby environment. Please make sure that your system has ruby installed.

gem install pretty_doc


# Usage: pretty_doc [options] files
# Options:
#     -o, --output [path]              output to a given folder
#     -t, --template [folder]          choose a template
#     -l, --line-numbers               enable line numbers for codes
#     -v, --version                    output the version number
#     -h, --help                       output usage information

Generate TOC

Use [TOC] or {:toc} in your markdown file to generate table of contents and use [NO_TOC] or {:.no_toc} to ignore specific header.


Pretty Doc


## Feature

## Usage

Create a custom template

template structure

├── init.rb
├── style.scss
└── template.html.erb


  • Add docs for how to create a custom template
  • Add file toc support
  • Optimize templates for Windows
  • Add custom fonts and javascripts supports