
producer-core is a software configuration management tool providing a DSL to describe infrastructure as code. It helps automating software deployment, configuration and management.

Getting started

Installation (requires ruby and rubygems)

gem install producer-core

Shell command execution on remote host

The sh action will execute a shell command on the targeted remote host. The remote host can be specified with the CLI option -t.

task :show_zsh_pkg do
  sh 'pkg info | grep zsh'
% producer -t localhost show_zsh_pkg.rb
zsh-5.0.7                      The Z shell

When execution fails, recipe processing is stopped and the action which triggered the failed execution is the last one to be applied.

task :sh_fail do
  sh 'false'
  echo 'end of recipe'
% producer -t localhost sh_fail.rb
RemoteCommandExecutionError: false

Only the first action is applied.

Task conditions

A task can be bound to a condition: when the condition fails actions are skipped, otherwise actions are applied as usual.

task :condition_pass do
  condition { true }
  echo 'will output'

task :condition_fail do
  condition { false }
  echo 'will NOT output'

Built-in tests

Specific test keywords are also available in the condition block context, producer-core ships with a few common tests, producer-stdlib provides more, and custom tests can be defined.

task :condition_sh_pass do
  condition { sh 'true' }
  echo 'will output'

task :condition_sh_fail do
  condition { sh 'false' }
  cho 'will NOT output'

Nested tasks

Complex tasks can be split into nested subtasks. Conditions have the same effect on tasks they have on actions, when the condition fails, subtasks of the current task are skipped.

task :main_task do
  condition { true }
  task(:foo_subtask) { echo 'do foo' }
  task(:bar_subtask) { echo 'do bar' }
  task(:baz_subtask) do
    condition { false }
    task(:baz_subtask_subtask) { echo 'do baz' }
% producer nested_tasks.rb
do foo
do bar

Ruby DSL

Ruby DSL, shell script transpilation

Ruby-like DSL

Agents, daemons