A ruby gem created by SmartTechys for the ProxyPay API by TimeBoxed that allows online payments using Angolan ATM's reference (Multicaixa references).
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'proxypay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install proxypay
Make sure you setup the environment variables PROXYPAY_USER and PROXYPAY_API_KEY:
to make requests with another api_key use this on every method call.
= {api_key: your_api_key_obtained_from_proxypay_folks}
to make the request proxypay's test server use
= {is_test: true}
Use the class methods to get it going
Fetch all available references
Proxypay.get_references # Fetch all references
Proxypay.get_references(api_key: some_api_key) # fetch using this key
Proxypay.get_references(is_test: true) # fetch from the test server
Fetch references by using query's
or you can pass one or several query's parameters and even use the custom_fields defined at proxypay.
= {query: {status:"paid", offset:15, limit:13, q:{custom_fields:{your_fild:"some_data", some_other_filed:{that_takes:"an_hash"}}}}}
Fetch a reference by using id
= {}
Proxypay.get_reference(id, )
Request a new reference - amount and expiration_date for the reference are mandatory
Proxypay.new_reference("2000.00", "2015-10-10")
Request a reference and add custom fields to your reference for your identification.
= {custom_fields: {invoice:"001-2015", description:"Client #{client_number} - monthly payment"}}
Proxypay.new_reference("2000.00", "2015-10-10", )
Fetch all payments that haven't been acknowledged
Fetch all the payments with limitation by the specified number(quantity)
= {query: {n:48}}
Fetch a specific payment by passing his ID
= {}
Proxypay.get_payment("OcSLBANU4tjRi9gfW5VUcMqkvzL", )
Acknowledge a payment by passing his ID
= {}
Proxypay.new_payment("OcSLBANU4tjRi9gfW5VUcMqkvzL", )
Acknowledge multiple payments by passing and array of ID's
ids = ["OcSLBANU4tjRi9gfW5VUcMqkvzL", "EcJLBANU4trUi8gfM6MOcMqkvzH","VxELBANU4tjRi9gfW5VUcMqkvzZ"]
= {}
Proxypay.new_payments(ids, )
Help and Docs
- You can fork the project
- bundle
- bundle rake exec
- Make your feature addition or fix a bug
- Do not mess with rakefile, version or history (do not submit version bump PLEASE or put it in a different commit so we can ignore it when pull)
- Send us the pull request
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.