
Adds pry-measure command for quick adhoc benchmarking.


  gem install pry-measure

or added to the Gemfile:

  gem 'pry-measure'

Helper methods

A pry_measure helper method is added which takes arguments for number of times to execute and number of times to run (defaults to 1 and 10, respectively):

  pry(main)> pry_measure(2, 200000) do
  pry(main)*   10.times do |time|; 1000*1000*1000*1000; end
  pry(main)* end
         user     system      total        real
     0.230000   0.000000   0.230000 (  0.234847)
     0.230000   0.000000   0.230000 (  0.228060)
  => [#<Benchmark::Tms:0x007fd992bd2b30 ...>, #<Benchmark::Tms:0x007fd992bd2220 ...>]

Additionally, time_method is added:

  pry(main)> time_method String, 'new', 'FooBar'
  Time elapsed 0.004 milliseconds


  pry-measure -t 10 #{`curl`}

The above passes the interpolated code to Benchmark.measure to be evaluated 10 times. Upon completion the command returns a results hash with the average times:

  => {
    :real => 0.1958,
    :utime => 0.0,
    :stime => 0.002,
    :total => 0.056
  pry-realtime #{`curl`}
  => 0.6405