Integration test PSC

This directory contains artifacts related to the PSC instance that psc.rb deploys to run its integration tests. Highlights below.


The integrated test infrastructure looks in this directory for a file named psc.war to deploy. If you don't want to provide your own, you can download the latest nightly by running rake int-psc:war.

This means you can run the integration tests against different versions of PSC by swapping out psc.war.


The PSC instance is backed by HSQLDB. There are rake tasks to assist in bootstrapping this database instance (which is mostly done via PSC itself) in tasks/int-psc.rake. Process overview:

  • Create a "baseline" configuration
  • Deploy PSC against this configuration. PSC automatically creates its schema and lookup data.
  • Interactively (i.e., this part is not scripted) walk through PSC's setup flow. Create a user named "superuser/superuser" that has all privileges.
  • Shut down the "baseline" PSC. The HSQLDB database named "baseline" now contains the minimum set of data needed to deploy PSC and use its API.
  • Copy the "baseline" database to a database named "datasource".
  • Deploy PSC using the "datasource" database.
  • Use PSC's dev demo-creator infrastructure to apply a consistent set of data (defined in int-psc/state) to this instance.
  • Shut down the "datasource" instance of PSC.
  • Mark the "datasource" database as read-only.

("baseline" and "datasource" are separate so that re-applying the state data can be entirely scripted; baseline will (hopefully) never need to be recreated.)

After this process is finished, each time you start up the integration PSC instance it will be in the same state -- i.e., it will not persist any data across restarts.


The desired contents of the integration test PSC instance on startup. The key file is int-psc-state.xml, which is full of comments describing its format.

Whenever you change the data this directory, you should run rake int-psc:rebuild and then commit the changed versions of hsqldb/datasource.* along with your data changes.


The logs from the integration test PSC can be found here.