Smail Webservice

Print Stuff Mail is snail mail webservice, allowing physical letters to be sent from the comfort of your own command line.


gem install psm

That’s it.


    require 'psm'
    # PrintStuffMail, aliased as PSM, is our namespace.
    # 1. set your account id.
    PSM. = 'abcdefg' 
    # 2. mail a letter!
    # Since this method will eventually cause a credit card to be charged
    # we've taken extra precautions to label it as dangerous. The exclamation,
    # for one, calls attention to the method, but furthermore a block has to be
    # passed in "confirming" the method.
    PSM.mail!( 'message', 'address', 'return_address') {|c| c.confirm!}
    # 3. there is no step three.