
This gem implements a mechanism to parse and utilize IEC publication identifiers.

Use cases to support

  1. generate updated PubID

  2. generate language specific PubID

  3. generate dated vs undated PubIDs


The IECEE TRF pattern is:

IECEE TRF number-and-parttrf-version[test-type][:year]

(Sample IECEE TRF PubID: IECEE TRF 60086-1&2A:2017)


  • number-and-part is the number and part of the IEC standard, e.g. 61000-3-33. If there are multiple parts, the & ampersand separator is used. When parsing, we should accept the , character here, but when generating the PubID, the & separator must be used

  • trf-version is typically the alphabet version of a single character length, where A is the first version, B is the second version and so on.

There are cases where the trf-version is {version-alphabet}{sub-version} where sub-version is a string, e.g. F_II (the sub-version is _II). In this case, the "full version" is considered to be the full string of trf-version, i.e. F_II. (in the case of IECEE TRF 61058-1F_II:2019)

  • test-type is an optional string such as _EMC, _PS, _SOF that indicates a specialized type of TRF

  • year is optional for edition year.

IECEx TRF Format

The IECEx TRF pattern is:

IECEx TRF number-and-part'_' or 'v'std-editiontrf-version


  • number-and-part is the number and part of the IEC standard, e.g. 60079-0. If there are multiple parts, the , comma separator is used.

  • either '_' or 'v' is either a _ or v character. In the IEC Webstore, they use a v character, e.g. IECEx TRF 60079-15v1:2002, but in the official IECEx identifier pattern it is _.

  • std-edition is the edition number of the underlying IEC standard, an integer.

  • trf-version is typically the alphabet version of a single character length, where A is the first version, B is the second version and so on.

    • There are cases where the trf-version is {version-alphabet}{sub-version} where sub-version is a string, e.g. A_DS (the sub-version is _DS) or Arev4_ds (the sub-version is rev4_ds). In this case, the "full version" is considered to be the full string of trf-version, i.e. A_DS or Arev4_ds.