PulpcoreClient - the Ruby gem for the Pulp 3 API
Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v3
- Package version: 3.74.1
- Generator version: 7.10.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://pulpproject.org
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build pulpcore_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./pulpcore_client-3.74.1.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./pulpcore_client-3.74.1.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'pulpcore_client', '~> 3.74.1'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'pulpcore_client', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'pulpcore_client'
# Setup authorization
PulpcoreClient.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
config.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
# Configure faraday connection
config.configure_faraday_connection { |connection| 'YOUR CONNECTION CONFIG PROC' }
api_instance = PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi.new
opts = {
customized: true, # Boolean | Filter results where customized matches value
limit: 56, # Integer | Number of results to return per page.
offset: 56, # Integer | The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering: ['-creation_hooks'], # Array<String> | Ordering * `pulp_id` - Pulp id * `-pulp_id` - Pulp id (descending) * `pulp_created` - Pulp created * `-pulp_created` - Pulp created (descending) * `pulp_last_updated` - Pulp last updated * `-pulp_last_updated` - Pulp last updated (descending) * `creation_hooks` - Creation hooks * `-creation_hooks` - Creation hooks (descending) * `statements` - Statements * `-statements` - Statements (descending) * `viewset_name` - Viewset name * `-viewset_name` - Viewset name (descending) * `customized` - Customized * `-customized` - Customized (descending) * `queryset_scoping` - Queryset scoping * `-queryset_scoping` - Queryset scoping (descending) * `pk` - Pk * `-pk` - Pk (descending)
prn__in: ['inner_example'], # Array<String> | Multiple values may be separated by commas.
pulp_href__in: ['inner_example'], # Array<String> | Multiple values may be separated by commas.
pulp_id__in: ['inner_example'], # Array<String> | Multiple values may be separated by commas.
q: 'q_example', # String | Filter results by using NOT, AND and OR operations on other filters
viewset_name: 'viewset_name_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name matches value
viewset_name__contains: 'viewset_name__contains_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name contains value
viewset_name__icontains: 'viewset_name__icontains_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name contains value
viewset_name__iexact: 'viewset_name__iexact_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name matches value
viewset_name__in: ['inner_example'], # Array<String> | Filter results where viewset_name is in a comma-separated list of values
viewset_name__iregex: 'viewset_name__iregex_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name matches regex value
viewset_name__istartswith: 'viewset_name__istartswith_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name starts with value
viewset_name__regex: 'viewset_name__regex_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name matches regex value
viewset_name__startswith: 'viewset_name__startswith_example', # String | Filter results where viewset_name starts with value
fields: ['inner_example'], # Array<String> | A list of fields to include in the response.
exclude_fields: ['inner_example'] # Array<String> | A list of fields to exclude from the response.
#List access policys
result = api_instance.list(opts)
p result
rescue PulpcoreClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AccessPoliciesApi->list: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:24817
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/access_policies/ | List access policys |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | partial_update | PATCH access_policy_href | Update an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | read | GET access_policy_href | Inspect an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | reset | POST access_policy_hrefreset/ | |
PulpcoreClient::AccessPoliciesApi | update | PUT access_policy_href | Update an access policy |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ | Create an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | delete | DELETE artifact_href | Delete an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ | List artifacts |
PulpcoreClient::ArtifactsApi | read | GET artifact_href | Inspect an artifact |
PulpcoreClient::ContentApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/ | List content |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publickey/ | Create an open pgp public key |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publickey/ | List open pgp public keys |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_public_key_href | Inspect an open pgp public key |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_public_key_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublickeyApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_public_key_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_publicsubkey/ | List open pgp public subkeys |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_public_subkey_href | Inspect an open pgp public subkey |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_public_subkey_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpPublicsubkeyApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_public_subkey_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_signature/ | List open pgp signatures |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_signature_href | Inspect an open pgp signature |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_signature_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpSignatureApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_signature_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_userattribute/ | List open pgp user attributes |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_user_attribute_href | Inspect an open pgp user attribute |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_user_attribute_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUserattributeApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_user_attribute_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/content/core/openpgp_userid/ | List open pgp user ids |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_user_i_d_href | Inspect an open pgp user id |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_user_i_d_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentOpenpgpUseridApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_user_i_d_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/ | List content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | add_role | POST composite_content_guard_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ | Create a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | delete | DELETE composite_content_guard_href | Delete a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/composite/ | List composite content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | list_roles | GET composite_content_guard_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | my_permissions | GET composite_content_guard_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | partial_update | PATCH composite_content_guard_href | Update a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | read | GET composite_content_guard_href | Inspect a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | remove_role | POST composite_content_guard_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsCompositeApi | update | PUT composite_content_guard_href | Update a composite content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | add_role | POST content_redirect_content_guard_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ | Create a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | delete | DELETE content_redirect_content_guard_href | Delete a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/content_redirect/ | List content redirect content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | list_roles | GET content_redirect_content_guard_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | my_permissions | GET content_redirect_content_guard_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | partial_update | PATCH content_redirect_content_guard_href | Update a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | read | GET content_redirect_content_guard_href | Inspect a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | remove_role | POST content_redirect_content_guard_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsContentRedirectApi | update | PUT content_redirect_content_guard_href | Update a content redirect content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | add_role | POST header_content_guard_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ | Create a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | delete | DELETE header_content_guard_href | Delete a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/header/ | List header content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | list_roles | GET header_content_guard_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | my_permissions | GET header_content_guard_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | partial_update | PATCH header_content_guard_href | Update a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | read | GET header_content_guard_href | Inspect a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | remove_role | POST header_content_guard_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsHeaderApi | update | PUT header_content_guard_href | Update a header content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | add_role | POST r_b_a_c_content_guard_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ | Create a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | delete | DELETE r_b_a_c_content_guard_href | Delete a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/contentguards/core/rbac/ | List rbac content guards |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | list_roles | GET r_b_a_c_content_guard_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | my_permissions | GET r_b_a_c_content_guard_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | partial_update | PATCH r_b_a_c_content_guard_href | Update a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | read | GET r_b_a_c_content_guard_href | Inspect a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | remove_role | POST r_b_a_c_content_guard_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::ContentguardsRbacApi | update | PUT r_b_a_c_content_guard_href | Update a rbac content guard |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/ | List distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsArtifactsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/artifacts/ | List artifact distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsArtifactsApi | read | GET artifact_distribution_href | Inspect an artifact distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/openpgp/ | Create an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | delete | DELETE open_p_g_p_distribution_href | Delete an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/distributions/core/openpgp/ | List open pgp distributions |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | partial_update | PATCH open_p_g_p_distribution_href | Update an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_distribution_href | Inspect an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_distribution_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_distribution_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::DistributionsOpenpgpApi | update | PUT open_p_g_p_distribution_href | Update an open pgp distribution |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/domains/ | Create a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | delete | DELETE domain_href | Delete a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/domains/ | List domains |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | migrate | POST /pulp/api/v3/domains/migrate/ | Migrate storage backend |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | partial_update | PATCH domain_href | Update a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | read | GET domain_href | Inspect a domain |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | set_label | POST domain_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | unset_label | POST domain_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::DomainsApi | update | PUT domain_href | Update a domain |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ | Create a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | delete | DELETE filesystem_exporter_href | Delete a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/filesystem/ | List filesystem exporters |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | partial_update | PATCH filesystem_exporter_href | Update a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | read | GET filesystem_exporter_href | Inspect a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemApi | update | PUT filesystem_exporter_href | Update a filesystem exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | create | POST filesystem_exporter_hrefexports/ | Create a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | delete | DELETE filesystem_filesystem_export_href | Delete a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | list | GET filesystem_exporter_hrefexports/ | List filesystem exports |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersFilesystemExportsApi | read | GET filesystem_filesystem_export_href | Inspect a filesystem export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ | Create a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | delete | DELETE pulp_exporter_href | Delete a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/exporters/core/pulp/ | List pulp exporters |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | partial_update | PATCH pulp_exporter_href | Update a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | read | GET pulp_exporter_href | Inspect a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpApi | update | PUT pulp_exporter_href | Update a pulp exporter |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | create | POST pulp_exporter_hrefexports/ | Create a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | delete | DELETE pulp_pulp_export_href | Delete a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | list | GET pulp_exporter_hrefexports/ | List pulp exports |
PulpcoreClient::ExportersPulpExportsApi | read | GET pulp_pulp_export_href | Inspect a pulp export |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | add_role | POST group_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/groups/ | Create a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | delete | DELETE group_href | Delete a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/groups/ | List groups |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | list_roles | GET group_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | my_permissions | GET group_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | partial_update | PATCH group_href | Update a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | read | GET group_href | Inspect a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | remove_role | POST group_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsApi | update | PUT group_href | Update a group |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | create | POST group_hrefroles/ | Create a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | delete | DELETE groups_group_role_href | Delete a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | list | GET group_hrefroles/ | List group roles |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsRolesApi | read | GET groups_group_role_href | Inspect a group role |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | create | POST group_hrefusers/ | Create an user |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | delete | DELETE groups_user_href | Delete an user |
PulpcoreClient::GroupsUsersApi | list | GET group_hrefusers/ | List users |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ | Create a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | delete | DELETE pulp_importer_href | Delete a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/ | List pulp importers |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | partial_update | PATCH pulp_importer_href | Update a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | read | GET pulp_importer_href | Inspect a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpApi | update | PUT pulp_importer_href | Update a pulp importer |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportCheckApi | pulp_import_check_post | POST /pulp/api/v3/importers/core/pulp/import-check/ | Validate the parameters to be used for a PulpImport call |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | create | POST pulp_importer_hrefimports/ | Create a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | delete | DELETE pulp_pulp_import_href | Delete a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | list | GET pulp_importer_hrefimports/ | List pulp imports |
PulpcoreClient::ImportersPulpImportsApi | read | GET pulp_pulp_import_href | Inspect a pulp import |
PulpcoreClient::LivezApi | livez_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/livez/ | Inspect liveness of Pulp's REST API. |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | login | POST /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | login_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::LoginApi | logout | DELETE /pulp/api/v3/login/ | |
PulpcoreClient::OrphansApi | delete | DELETE /pulp/api/v3/orphans/ | Delete orphans |
PulpcoreClient::OrphansCleanupApi | cleanup | POST /pulp/api/v3/orphans/cleanup/ | |
PulpcoreClient::PublicationsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/publications/ | List publications |
PulpcoreClient::RemotesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/remotes/ | List remotes |
PulpcoreClient::RepairApi | post | POST /pulp/api/v3/repair/ | Repair Artifact Storage |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/ | List repositories |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | add_role | POST open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/core/openpgp_keyring/ | Create an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | delete | DELETE open_p_g_p_keyring_href | Delete an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repositories/core/openpgp_keyring/ | List open pgp keyrings |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | list_roles | GET open_p_g_p_keyring_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | modify | POST open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefmodify/ | Modify Repository Content |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | my_permissions | GET open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | partial_update | PATCH open_p_g_p_keyring_href | Update an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | read | GET open_p_g_p_keyring_href | Inspect an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | remove_role | POST open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | set_label | POST open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefset_label/ | Set a label |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | unset_label | POST open_p_g_p_keyring_hrefunset_label/ | Unset a label |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesOpenpgpKeyringApi | update | PUT open_p_g_p_keyring_href | Update an open pgp keyring |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoriesReclaimSpaceApi | reclaim | POST /pulp/api/v3/repositories/reclaim_space/ | |
PulpcoreClient::RepositoryVersionsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/repository_versions/ | List repository versions |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/roles/ | Create a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | delete | DELETE role_href | Delete a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | partial_update | PATCH role_href | Update a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | read | GET role_href | Inspect a role |
PulpcoreClient::RolesApi | update | PUT role_href | Update a role |
PulpcoreClient::SigningServicesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/signing-services/ | List signing services |
PulpcoreClient::SigningServicesApi | read | GET signing_service_href | Inspect a signing service |
PulpcoreClient::StatusApi | status_read | GET /pulp/api/v3/status/ | Inspect status of Pulp |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/task-groups/ | List task groups |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | read | GET task_group_href | Inspect a task group |
PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupsApi | task_groups_cancel | PATCH task_group_href | Cancel a task group |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | add_role | POST task_schedule_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/task-schedules/ | List task schedules |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | list_roles | GET task_schedule_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | my_permissions | GET task_schedule_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | read | GET task_schedule_href | Inspect a task schedule |
PulpcoreClient::TaskSchedulesApi | remove_role | POST task_schedule_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | add_role | POST task_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | delete | DELETE task_href | Delete a task |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/tasks/ | List tasks |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | list_roles | GET task_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | my_permissions | GET task_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | profile_artifacts | GET task_hrefprofile_artifacts/ | Fetch downloadable links for profile artifacts |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | purge | POST /pulp/api/v3/tasks/purge/ | Purge Completed Tasks |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | read | GET task_href | Inspect a task |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | remove_role | POST task_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::TasksApi | tasks_cancel | PATCH task_href | Cancel a task |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | add_role | POST upload_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | commit | POST upload_hrefcommit/ | Finish an Upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ | Create an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | delete | DELETE upload_href | Delete an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/uploads/ | List uploads |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | list_roles | GET upload_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | my_permissions | GET upload_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | read | GET upload_href | Inspect an upload |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | remove_role | POST upload_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::UploadsApi | update | PUT upload_href | Upload a file chunk |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | add_role | POST upstream_pulp_hrefadd_role/ | Add a role |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ | Create an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | delete | DELETE upstream_pulp_href | Delete an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/upstream-pulps/ | List upstream pulps |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | list_roles | GET upstream_pulp_hreflist_roles/ | List roles |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | my_permissions | GET upstream_pulp_hrefmy_permissions/ | List user permissions |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | partial_update | PATCH upstream_pulp_href | Update an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | read | GET upstream_pulp_href | Inspect an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | remove_role | POST upstream_pulp_hrefremove_role/ | Remove a role |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | replicate | POST upstream_pulp_hrefreplicate/ | Replicate |
PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpsApi | update | PUT upstream_pulp_href | Update an upstream pulp |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | create | POST /pulp/api/v3/users/ | Create an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | delete | DELETE auth_user_href | Delete an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/users/ | List users |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | partial_update | PATCH auth_user_href | Update an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | read | GET auth_user_href | Inspect an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersApi | update | PUT auth_user_href | Update an user |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | create | POST auth_user_hrefroles/ | Create an user role |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | delete | DELETE auth_users_user_role_href | Delete an user role |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | list | GET auth_user_hrefroles/ | List user roles |
PulpcoreClient::UsersRolesApi | read | GET auth_users_user_role_href | Inspect an user role |
PulpcoreClient::WorkersApi | list | GET /pulp/api/v3/workers/ | List workers |
PulpcoreClient::WorkersApi | read | GET worker_href | Inspect a worker |
Documentation for Models
- PulpcoreClient::AccessPolicy
- PulpcoreClient::AccessPolicyResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ApiAppStatusResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ArtifactDistributionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ArtifactResponse
- PulpcoreClient::AsyncOperationResponse
- PulpcoreClient::CompositeContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::CompositeContentGuardResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ContentAppStatusResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ContentGuardResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ContentRedirectContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::ContentRedirectContentGuardResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ContentSettingsResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ContentSummaryResponse
- PulpcoreClient::DatabaseConnectionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::DistributionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::Domain
- PulpcoreClient::DomainBackendMigrator
- PulpcoreClient::DomainResponse
- PulpcoreClient::EvaluationResponse
- PulpcoreClient::FilesystemExport
- PulpcoreClient::FilesystemExportResponse
- PulpcoreClient::FilesystemExporter
- PulpcoreClient::FilesystemExporterResponse
- PulpcoreClient::GenericRemoteResponse
- PulpcoreClient::GenericRemoteResponseHiddenFieldsInner
- PulpcoreClient::GenericRemoteResponsePolicyEnum
- PulpcoreClient::Group
- PulpcoreClient::GroupProgressReportResponse
- PulpcoreClient::GroupResponse
- PulpcoreClient::GroupRole
- PulpcoreClient::GroupRoleResponse
- PulpcoreClient::GroupUser
- PulpcoreClient::GroupUserResponse
- PulpcoreClient::HeaderContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::HeaderContentGuardResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ImportResponse
- PulpcoreClient::LoginResponse
- PulpcoreClient::MethodEnum
- PulpcoreClient::MinimalTaskResponse
- PulpcoreClient::MultipleArtifactContentResponse
- PulpcoreClient::MyPermissionsResponse
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPPublicSubkey
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPPublicSubkeyResponse
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPSignature
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPSignatureResponse
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPUserAttribute
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPUserAttributeResponse
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPUserID
- PulpcoreClient::NestedOpenPGPUserIDResponse
- PulpcoreClient::NestedRole
- PulpcoreClient::NestedRoleResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ObjectRolesResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPDistribution
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPDistributionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPKeyring
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPKeyringResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPPublicKeyResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPPublicSubkeyResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPSignatureResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPUserAttributeResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OpenPGPUserIDResponse
- PulpcoreClient::OrphansCleanup
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedAccessPolicyResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedArtifactDistributionResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedArtifactResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedCompositeContentGuardResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedContentGuardResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedContentRedirectContentGuardResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedDistributionResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedDomainResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedFilesystemExportResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedFilesystemExporterResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedGenericRemoteResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedGroupResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedGroupRoleResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedGroupUserResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedHeaderContentGuardResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedImportResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedMultipleArtifactContentResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPDistributionResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPKeyringResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPPublicKeyResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPPublicSubkeyResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPSignatureResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPUserAttributeResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedOpenPGPUserIDResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedPublicationResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedPulpExportResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedPulpExporterResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedPulpImporterResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedRBACContentGuardResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedRepositoryResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedRepositoryVersionResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedRoleResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedSigningServiceResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedTaskGroupResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedTaskResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedTaskScheduleResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedUploadResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedUpstreamPulpResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedUserResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedUserRoleResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PaginatedWorkerResponseList
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedAccessPolicy
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedCompositeContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedContentRedirectContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedDomain
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedFilesystemExporter
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedGroup
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedHeaderContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedOpenPGPDistribution
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedOpenPGPKeyring
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedPulpExporter
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedPulpImporter
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedRBACContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedRole
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedTaskCancel
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedUpstreamPulp
- PulpcoreClient::PatchedUser
- PulpcoreClient::Policy357Enum
- PulpcoreClient::ProfileArtifactResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ProgressReportResponse
- PulpcoreClient::PublicationResponse
- PulpcoreClient::PulpExport
- PulpcoreClient::PulpExportResponse
- PulpcoreClient::PulpExporter
- PulpcoreClient::PulpExporterResponse
- PulpcoreClient::PulpImport
- PulpcoreClient::PulpImportCheck
- PulpcoreClient::PulpImportCheckResponse
- PulpcoreClient::PulpImporter
- PulpcoreClient::PulpImporterResponse
- PulpcoreClient::Purge
- PulpcoreClient::RBACContentGuard
- PulpcoreClient::RBACContentGuardResponse
- PulpcoreClient::ReclaimSpace
- PulpcoreClient::RedisConnectionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::Repair
- PulpcoreClient::RepositoryAddRemoveContent
- PulpcoreClient::RepositoryResponse
- PulpcoreClient::RepositoryVersionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::Role
- PulpcoreClient::RoleResponse
- PulpcoreClient::SetLabel
- PulpcoreClient::SetLabelResponse
- PulpcoreClient::SigningServiceResponse
- PulpcoreClient::StatesEnum
- PulpcoreClient::StatusResponse
- PulpcoreClient::StorageClassEnum
- PulpcoreClient::StorageResponse
- PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupOperationResponse
- PulpcoreClient::TaskGroupResponse
- PulpcoreClient::TaskResponse
- PulpcoreClient::TaskScheduleResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UnsetLabel
- PulpcoreClient::UnsetLabelResponse
- PulpcoreClient::Upload
- PulpcoreClient::UploadChunkResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UploadCommit
- PulpcoreClient::UploadDetailResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UploadResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulp
- PulpcoreClient::UpstreamPulpResponse
- PulpcoreClient::User
- PulpcoreClient::UserGroup
- PulpcoreClient::UserGroupResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UserResponse
- PulpcoreClient::UserRole
- PulpcoreClient::UserRoleResponse
- PulpcoreClient::VersionResponse
- PulpcoreClient::WorkerResponse
Documentation for Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication