
A puppet-lint plugin to check for cuddled else blocks.


From the command line

$ gem install puppet-lint-cuddled_else-check


Cuddled else/elsif

There are two different styles regarding the placement of else and elsif keywords. It can be placed on the same line as the closing curly of the preceding if block (cuddled) or on a separate line below that closing curly (uncuddled). There are pros and cons for both styles -- cmp. http://wiki.c2.com/?CuddledElseBlocks.

This check helps to enforce a consistent style by warning about cuddled else/elsif keywords.

What you have done

The else (or elsif) keyword is on the same line as the closing curly brace of the preceding if block.

if $foo == 'bar' {
  ## some stuff
} else {
  ## other stuff

What you should have done

The else (or elsif) keyword is on a new line below the closing curly brace of the preceding if block.

if $foo == 'bar' {
  ## some stuff
else {
  ## other stuff

Disabling the check

To disable this check, you can add `--no-cuddled_else-check' to your puppet-lint command line.

$ puppet-lint --no-cuddled_else-check /path/to/file.pp

See also

There is a corresponding plugin puppet-lint-uncuddled_else-check that warns for uncuddled else blocks. Most probably you only want one of both checks. ;)


This plugin for puppet-lint has been written owing to the very nice tutorial for writing puppet-lint checks.