
A puppet-lint plugin to check "exec" resources to ensure they have been written in an idempotent manner. Basically, ensure they used "onlyif", "unless", or "refreshonly".


From the command line

$ gem install puppet-lint-exec_idempotent-check

In a Gemfile

gem 'puppet-lint-exec_idempotent-check'


Validates that an exec resource is idempotent

For an exec resource to pass it must be using at least one parameter that ensures idempotence. The value being passed to the parameter is not checked. The parameters this check will expect to find are one of "onlyif", "unless", or "refreshonly" as the use of any one of these is considered to ensure idempotance for the exec resource. This check is, of course, opinionated in that regard, and to that end the "creates" parameter is not considered acceptable. This check does not view the creates parameter as a good practice.

Disabling the check

To disable this check, you can add --no-exec_idempotent-check to your puppet-lint command line.

$ puppet-lint --no-exec_idempotent-check path/to/file.pp

Alternatively, if you’re calling puppet-lint via the Rake task, you should insert the following line to your Rakefile.


Fix support

This check provides none! Fix your stuff :)