Module: SinType

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

HardCodedCred =
  name: "Hard Coded Credentials",
  message: "Do not hard code secrets. This may help an attacker to attack the system.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/hard-coded-credentials"
HttpWithoutTLS =
  name: "HTTP without TLS",
  message: "Do not use HTTP without TLS. This may cause a man in the middle attack.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/http-without-tls"
AdminByDefault =
  name: "Admin by default",
  message: "This violates the secure by design principle.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/admin-by-default"
EmptyPassword =
  name: "Empty password",
  message: "Do not keep password field empty. This may help an attacker to attack.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/empty-password"
InvalidIPAddrBinding =
  name: "Invalid IP Address Binding",
  message: "This config allows connections from every possible network.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/invalid-ip-addr-binding"
SuspiciousComments =
  name: "Suspicious Comments",
  message: "This comment can expose sensitive information to attackers.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/suspicious-comments"
WeakCryptoAlgorithm =
  name: "Weak Crypto Algorithm",
  message: "Do not use this algorithm, as it may have security weaknesses.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/weak-crypto-algorithm"
CyrillicHomographAttack =
  name: "Cyrillic Homograph attack",
  message: "This link has a cyrillic char. These are not rendered by browsers and are sometimes used for phishing attacks.",
  solution: "#{base_url}/cyrillic-homograph-attack"