
A Pushpop plugin for sending messages to Slack


Add pushpop-slack gem to your Gemfile

gem 'pushpop-slack'

or install it as a gem

$ gem install pushpop-slack

You will also need to set an environment variable for your Slack Webhook. Here's how:

  1. Go to your Slack team site and create an Incoming Webhooks integration.
  2. Choose a default channel for pushpop messages. You can override this in the actual job.
  3. Copy the Webhook URL.
  4. Set that to SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL in your environment (heroku, shell)


pushpop-slack has a pretty easy DSL for sending messages to slack, and also handles all of the weird formatting that Slack requires. It copies much of the functionality of the slack-notifier gem, which is used internally.

Here's a very basic example of sending a message to slack:

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Hello, World!'


We use slack-notifier's LinkFormatter internally. That means you can either use HTML or Markdown format for your links

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Where [in the world](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Sandiego) is Carmen Sandiego?'
        # or
        message 'Have you seen this <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Sandiego">in the world</a> is Carmen Sandiego?'


Setting the channel

Your webhook has a default channel that it sends to, but you can also choose a custom channel at runtime

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Hello, World!'
        channel '#alerts'


Slack expects the # before your channel name. However, if you forget it, pushpop-slack will insert it there for your convenience


You can choose a custom username for your message to "come from". This can be a completely new username, or an existing one.

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Hello, World!'
        username 'Carmen Sandiego'



You can also set the avatar/icon for the "user" sending the message. Paired with the Username, this can make your pushpop messages look like they're from a real user.

You can use emoji icons, or just use an image anywhere on the internet. For emoji, use the slack formatting (ie: :ghost:). For an image on the internet, just enter a URL (must start with http).

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Hello, World!'
        icon ':ghost:'
        # or
        icon 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ed/Carmen_Sandiego.png'



By default, Slack does not unfurl links from Webhooks (only media, like images). You can override that default by calling unfurl.

Calling unfurl with no parameter will default to true, or you can pass it a boolean.

job 'send "Hello, World!" to #general'

    slack do
        message 'Where [in the world](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Sandiego) is Carmen Sandiego?'
        # or
        unfurl true



You can send attachments over Slack as well. Attachments have a lot of options, so you have to pass in a pretty heavy configuration block. If you're going to use attachments, it's worth reading the slack-notifier paramters docs and the Slack Attachments Reference.

job do

  slack do

    first_attachment = {
      fallback: 'This is the fallback',
      pretext: 'Hey check out this attachment',
      color: '#b0b0b0',
      fields: [
          title: 'Field Title',
          value: 'This is the value of the first field!',
          short: false

    message 'Hello, World!'
    attachment first_attachment


Code and documentation issues and pull requests are welcome.