putio-ruby is a simple gem for communicating with the Put.io REST API. Currently supports just a handful of endpoints for Files and Transfers.
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'putio-ruby'
And then
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install putio-ruby
First configure the gem to use your oauth token (See instructions for generating a token)
Putio.configure do |config|
config.oauth_token = "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN"
Then use it to query Put.io
Putio::File.list # => [#<Putio::File:0x007fe1b3a84d40, ...]
file = Putio::File.get(1234) # => #<Putio::File:0x007fe373b07558
file.download_url # => "https://dlw3.put.io/download/12345..."
file.delete # => true
Putio::Transfer.list # => [#<Putio::Transfer:0x007fe373a80580, ...]
Putio::Transfer.get(1234) # => #<Putio::Transfer:0x007fe373a9afc0
Putio::Transfer.add("http://some_url.com") # => #<Putio::Transfer:0x007fe373aa2c70