This is a limited, but easier to use library for ruby. It provides additional a command line interface for administration named pvecli. The Rest-API will be used for controlling your server.

You need to provide a config-file /etc/pve/pvecli.yml:

	username: USERNAME
	password: PASSWORD
	realm:    pve or something like that
	verify_tls: no if you do not use known CA-signed X509-Certificates


The library provides an interface to interact with PVE-servers. Provided abstractions for:

  • Node

  • LXC (create, delete, modify, use)

  • Qemu (create, delete, modify, use)

  • Storages (list, list content)

  • Appliances (list, download to storage)


This tool should usable like PVE-WebGUI, instead of low-level-tools like pct or user-unfriendlier tools like pvesh. So pvecli provides a global control over your cluster on command line.