Qismo Ruby

A Ruby API wrapper for Qiscus Omnichannel API


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

bundle add qismo


qismo = Qismo::Client.new(app_id: "QISCUS_APP_ID", secret_key: "QISCUS_SECRET_KEY")

params = {
  channel: [{ channel_id: 12345, source: "wa" }],
  status: "unresolved",
  serve_status: "served",
  is_handled_by_bot: true,

pp qismo.list_rooms(params)

# [
#   #<Qismo::Objects::CustomerRoom
#     channel_id=126392
#     contact_id=21608346
#     id=68303333
#     is_handled_by_bot=true
#     is_resolved=false
#     is_waiting=false
#     last_comment_sender="[email protected]"
#     last_comment_sender_type="system"
#     last_comment_text="bayu joined this conversation"
#     last_comment_timestamp="2022-12-22T06:37:58Z"
#     last_customer_comment_text=nil
#     last_customer_timestamp="2022-12-19T13:32:51Z"
#     name="Oyis"
#     room_badge="https://d1edrlpyc25xu0.cloudfront.net/ods-cc6rmwouax2thbow3/image/upload/5sYxRCGJl_/qiscus_badge.svg"
#     room_id=103513607
#     room_type="individual"
#     source="qiscus"
#     user_avatar_url="https://d1edrlpyc25xu0.cloudfront.net/kiwari-prod/image/upload/wMWsDZP6ta/1516689726-ic_qiscus_client.png"
#     user_id="[email protected]">
# ]

Client optional configuration

Qismo ruby also provide some optional configuration that you can pass, they are:


Defaultly, Qismo ruby will use your QISCUS_OMNICHANNEL_URL env as base url. If its nil, it will use https://qismo.qiscus.com. If you need to customize URL other than that, you can pass it at client initialization

qismo.url = "https://qismo.qiscus.com"


You can also log the request and response the any HTTP request you make in Qismo ruby by using this configuration

require "logger"

qismo.logger = Logger.new($stdout)


For advanced logging, you can also use laverage ActiveSupport instrumentation. If you are using Rails, you can use ActiveSupport without installing the gem by your self.

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('start_request.http') do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
  pp name: name, start: start.to_f, finish: finish.to_f, id: id, payload: payload

qismo.instrumentation = { instrumenter: ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrumenter }

You can also customize the instrumentation's namespace by using this configuration

qismo.instrumentation = { instrumenter: ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrumenter, namespace: "qiscus.http_request" }


By default, the Qismo ruby gem does not enforce timeout on a request. You can enable per operation timeouts (each read/write/connect call) or global timeouts (sum of all read/write/connect calls) by configuring them through the chaining API.

Per operation timeouts are what Net::HTTP and the majority of HTTP clients do:

qismo.timeout = { connect: 5, write: 2, read: 10 }

Global timeouts let you set an upper bound of how long a request can take

qismo.timeout = 5 # in seconds


Making request behind proxy is as simple as making them directly. Just specify hostname (or IP address) of your proxy server and its port, and here you go

qismo.proxy = ["proxy-hostname.local", 8080]

Proxy needs authentication?

qismo.proxy = ["proxy-hostname.local", 8080, "username", "password"]

Handling pagination

Some of the Qiscus Omnichannel API will return list of data with pagination. To handle the pagination, you can to that like this example:

all_rooms = []

rooms = qismo.list_rooms

while rooms.next_page.present?
  rooms = qismo.list_rooms(cursor_after: rooms.next_page)

Handling error

Qismo ruby raise error while getting non successful http code from Qiscus Omnichannel API. To handle it, you follow this example:

rescue Qismo::BadRequestError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::UnauthorizedError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::PaymentRequiredError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::ForbiddenError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::NotFoundError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::TooManyRequestError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body
rescue Qismo::InternalServerError => e
  puts e.message
  puts e.status_code
  puts e.response_body

Handle incoming webhook request

Qiscus Omnichannel provide webhooks that triggered from various action on your account. Qismo ruby gem provide convenient way to handle the request.

class QiscusWebhooksController < ApplicationController
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token

  def handle_agent_allocation_webhook
    webhook = Qismo::WebhookRequests::OnAgentAllocationNeeded.new(JSON.parse(request.raw_body))

    # Do any action you want using payload that has been objectified
    if webhook.candidate_agent.present?
      qismo = Qismo::Client.new(app_id: "", secret_key: "")
        room_id: webhook.room_id,
        agent_id: webhook.candidate_agent.id

  def handle_custom_button_webhook
    webhook = Qismo::WebhookRequests::OnCustomButtonClicked.new(JSON.parse(request.raw_body))

    # Do any action you want using payload that has been objectified. The
    # following example assuming you want to create Zendesk ticket
    # everytime your agent click custom button "Create Ticket". We are
    # assuming, you have setup Zendesk ruby client
    zendesk_ticket_subject = webhook.additional_info.find do |info|
      info.key == "Zendesk Ticket Subject"

    if zendesk_ticket_subject.present?
        subject: zendesk_ticket_subject.value,
        submitter_id: webhook.agent.email,
        priority: "urgent"

  def handle_custom_channel_webhook
    webhook = Qismo::WebhookRequests::OnCustomChannelMessageSent.new(JSON.parse(request.raw_body))

    # Do any action you want
    # The following example assuming you want to reply customer's message from Twitter
    # Assuming that you have installed and setup twitter ruby client

    # Fetch customer from room participants
    customer = webhook.payload.room.participants.find { |participant| participant.email.start_with?("twitter_customer_") }
    if customer.present?
      twitter_rest_client.create_direct_message(customer.email, webhook.payload.message.text)

  def handle_bot_webhook
    webhook = Qismo::WebhookRequests::OnMessageForBotSent.new(JSON.parse(request.raw_body))

    # Do any action you want. The following example assuming you want to use
    # Dialogflow as bot engine

    # Detect intent for customer's message
    response = dialogflow_client.detect_intent(
      session: "session_#{webhook.payload.room.id}",
      query_input: {
        text: {
          text: webhook.payload.message.text,
          language_code: "en-US"

    # Parse bot message which will be sent back to customer
    bot_message = response.query_result.fulfillment_text

    # Send message to Qismo room
    qismo = Qismo::Client.new(app_id: "", secret_key: "")
      room_id: webhook.payload.room.id,
      message: bot_message

Developer Experience

TODO documentation