Qordoba Ruby Client

The Ruby client for interacting with the Qordoba V2 API.

Basic Use

Install the SDK via RubyGems:

gem install qordoba_ruby_sdk

Instantiate a new app with your consumer_key, organization_id, and project_id:

app = QordobaRubySdk.new('{consumer_key}', '{organization_id}', '{project_id}')

Print a list of all the supported languages:

puts app.languages

Upload a file:

app.file_upload('{path_to_file}', '{version_tag}')

Download a file in JSON:

app.file_json('{language_id}', '{milestone_id}', '{file_id}')

Full Documentation

Getting Started

Get the status of the Qordoba API


Language detail for Qordoba


Country list for Qordoba



Information about your organization's team members



List of projects that belong to an organization, including some project details.


Detailed information about a project


Status of all projects


Milestone information, status, and language for a project



List of project files for a given target languageId or languageCode


  • language_id = number The id of a target language

List of the file types in a project


Uploads a JSON file with a version tag to a project

app.file_upload( '{path_to_file}', '{version_tag}' )

  • path_to_file = string The path to the target file
  • version_tag = string A version tag (i.e. '1.0') for the uploaded file

Returns a link for downloading a .zip file that contains project files for a specified page and target language

app.file_export( '{language_id}', '{file_ids}' )

  • language_id = number The id of a target language
  • file_ids = array|number List of file ids to download

Updates a file in a project - parallel updates are not supported

app.file_update( '{path_to_file}', '{file_id}' )

  • path_to_file = string The path to the target file
  • file_id = number The id of the target file to update

Lists the segments in a file

app.file_segments( '{language_id}', '{file_id}' )

  • language_id = number The id of a target language
  • file_id = number The id of the target file

Returns a file segment by its id

app.file_segment( '{language_id}', '{file_id}', '{segment_id}' )

  • language_id = number The id of a target language
  • file_id = number The id of the target file
  • segment_id = number Id of target file segment

Returns json object of key value pairs representing a file

app.file_json( '{language_id}', '{milestone_id}', '{file_id}' )

  • language_id = number The id of a target language
  • milestone_id = number The id of the milestone to download translation from (i.e. 'proofreading')
  • file_id = number The id of the target file


Erik Suddath


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.