Quata - Quandl API Library and Command Line

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Quata is a lightweight ruby library for accessing Quandl, and includes a command line interface.

It provides direct access to all of the Nasdaq Data Link API (formerly Quandl) endpoints.


$ gem install quata

Or with bundler:

gem 'quata'


  • Easy to use interface.
  • Use as a library or through the command line.
  • Access any Quandl endpoint directly.
  • Display output in various formats.
  • Save output to a file.
  • Includes a built in file cache (disabled by default).


First, require and initialize with your API key

require 'quata'
quandl = Quata::API.new 'your-api-key'

Now, you can access any Quandl endpoint with any optional parameter, like this:

result = quandl.get "datasets/WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3 # => Hash

In addition, for convenience, you can use the first part of the endpoint as a method name, like this:

result = quandl.datasets "WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3

In other words, these calls are the same:

quandl.get 'endpoint', param: value
quandl.endpoint, param: value

as well as these two:

quandl.get 'endpoint/sub', param: value
quandl.endpoint 'sub', param: value

By default, you will get a ruby hash in return. If you wish to have more control over the response, use the get! method instead:

result = quandl.get! "datasets/WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3

# Request Object
p payload.request.class
# => HTTParty::Request

# Response Object
p payload.response.class
# => Net::HTTPOK

p payload.response.body
# => JSON string

p payload.response.code
# => 200

p payload.response.msg
# => OK

# Headers Object
p payload.headers
# => Hash with headers

# Parsed Response Object
p payload.parsed_response
# => Hash with HTTParty parsed response 
#    (this is the content returned with #get)

You can get the response as CSV by calling get_csv:

result = quandl.get_csv "datasets/WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3
# => CSV string

To save the output directly to a file, use the save method:

quandl.save "filename.json", "datasets/WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3

Or, to save CSV, use the save_csv method:

quandl.save_csv "filename.csv", "datasets/WIKI/AAPL", rows: 3

Command Line

The command line utility quata acts in a similar way. To use your Quandl API key, simply set it in the environment variables QUANDL_KEY:

$ export QUANDL_KEY=your_key

These commands are available:

$ quata get PATH [PARAMS...]        # print the output.  
$ quata pretty PATH [PARAMS...]     # print a pretty JSON.  
$ quata see PATH [PARAMS...]        # print a colored output.  
$ quata url PATH [PARAMS...]        # show the constructed URL.  
$ quata save FILE PATH [PARAMS...]  # save the output to a file.  

Run quata --help for more information, or view the full usage help.


# Shows the first two databases 
$ quata see databases per_page:2

# Or more compactly, as CSV
$ quata get databases per_page:2

# Prints CSV to screen (CSV is the default in the command line)
$ quata get datasets/WIKI/AAPL

# Prints JSON instead
$ quata get datasets/WIKI/AAPL.json

# Pass arguments using the same syntax - key:value
$ quata get datasets/WIKI/AAPL rows:5

# Pass arguments that require spaces
$ quata get datasets.json "query:qqq index"

# Prints a colored output
$ quata see datasets/WIKI/AAPL rows:5

# Saves a file
$ quata save output.csv datasets/WIKI/AAPL rows:5

# Shows the URL that Quata has constructed, good for debugging
$ quata url datasets/WIKI/AAPL rows:5
# => https://data.nasdaq.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/AAPL.csv?api_key=YOUR_KEY&rows=5


Quata uses the Lightly gem for automatic HTTP caching. To take the path of least surprises, caching is disabled by default.

You can enable and customize it by either passing options on initialization, or by accessing the Lightly object directly at a later stage.

quandl = Quata::API.new 'Your API Key', use_cache: true
quandl = Quata::API.new 'Your API Key', use_cache: true, cache_dir: 'tmp'
quandl = Quata::API.new 'Your API Key', use_cache: true, cache_life: 120

# or 

quandl = Quata::API.new 'Your API Key'
quandl.cache.dir = 'tmp/cache'   # Change cache folder
quandl.cache.life = 120          # Change cache life to 2 minutes

To enable caching for the command line, simply set one or both of these environment variables:

$ export QUANDL_CACHE_DIR=cache   # default: 'cache'
$ export QUANDL_CACHE_LIFE=120    # default: 3600 (1 hour)
$ quata get datasets/WIKI/AAPL
# => This call will be cached


Quata Demo