
Simplify your (academic) life. Instead of manually hunting down references, let QuickCite do the work for you!



gem install quickcite


Add it to your Makefile:

paper.pdf: ...
  quickcite -b paper.bib *.tex

Now add a reference in your paper:

I really liked this paper: \citePowerPiccolo

But of course, this one was even better: \citeMapreduce

That's it! Any missing references will be queried on DBLP, and you can accept the paper you intended:

Missing reference for PowerPiccolo
Result to use for {PowerPiccolo}:
  (0) Skip this citation
  (1) A novel fuzzy system for wind turbines reactive power control.
      Geev Mokryani, Pierluigi Siano, Antonio Piccolo, Vito Calderaro, Carlo Cecati
  (2) Piccolo: Building Fast, Distributed Programs with Partitioned Tables.
      Russell Power, Jinyang Li
  (3) Impact of Chosen Error Criteria in RSS-based Localization: Power vs Distance vs Relative Distance Error Minimization.
      Giuseppe Bianchi, Nicola Blefari-Melazzi, Francesca Lo Piccolo

QuickCite relies on the excellent bibtex-ruby package.

Questions or suggestions: power@cs.nyu.edu