quickfix-jruby Build Status

QuickFIX/J Gemified for JRuby.

The gem allows you to easily import QuickFIX/J into your JRuby Application. e.g.,

require 'quickfix'

my_order = quickfix.fix42.NewOrderSingle.new
my_account = quickfix.field.Account.new "hello"
my_order.set my_account

quickfix-jruby imports the following jars included in the QuickFIX/J release

  • quickfixj-all-1.6.0.jar
  • dom4j-1.6.1.jar
  • jaxen-1.1.4.jar
  • jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.12.jar
  • je-2.1.30.jar
  • mina-core-2.0.9.jar
  • proxool-0.9.1.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar
  • slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar


The major.minor version number corresponds to the major.minor version number of the QuickFIX/J release. The patch number may or may not correspond to the QuickFIX/J patch number.


Releases are performed with jeweler.

You will need your rubygems account set up accordingly.

Example: Performing a release of version 1.2.3

bundle exec rake version:write MAJOR=1 MINOR=2 PATCH=3
bundle exec rake release

This will automatically:

  • Generate quickfix-jruby.gemspec and commit it
  • Tag v1.2.3 and push it
  • Build quickfix-jruby-1.2.3.gem and push it to rubygems.org


gem install quickfix-jruby

or add the following to Gemfile:

gem 'quickfix-jruby'

and run bundle install from your shell.

More Information


Please see the contribution guidelines.



Connamara Systems

quickfix-jruby is maintained and funded by Connamara Systems, llc.

The names and logos for Connamara Systems are trademarks of Connamara Systems, llc.


quickfix-jruby is Copyright © 2013 Connamara Systems, llc.

This software is available under the GPL and a commercial license. Please see the LICENSE file for the terms specified by the GPL license. The commercial license offers more flexible licensing terms compared to the GPL, and includes support services. Contact us for more information on the Connamara commercial license, what it enables, and how you can start commercial development with it.

This product includes software developed by quickfixengine.org (http://www.quickfixengine.org/). Please see the QuickFIX Software LICENSE for the terms specified by the QuickFIX Software License.