Module: Quince::HtmlTagComponents

Included in:
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

CALLBACK_TEMPLATE =, "callback.js.erb")).delete!("\n").freeze
  "A" => {
    download: opt_string_sym,
    href: opt_string_sym,
    hreflang: opt_string_sym,
    media: opt_string_sym,
    ping: opt_string_sym,
    rel: opt_string_sym,
    target: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
  "Abbr" => {}.freeze,
  "Address" => {}.freeze,
  "Article" => {}.freeze,
  "Aside" => {}.freeze,
  "Audio" => {
    autoplay: opt_bool,
    controls: opt_bool,
    controlslist: opt_string_sym,
    crossorigin: opt_string_sym,
    loop: opt_bool,
    mediagroup: opt_string_sym,
    muted: opt_bool,
    playsinline: opt_bool,
    preload: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
  "B" => {}.freeze,
  "Bdo" => {}.freeze,
  "Blockquote" => {
    cite: opt_string_sym,
  "Body" => {}.freeze,
  "Button" => {
    autofocus: opt_bool,
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    formaction: opt_string_sym,
    formenctype: opt_string_sym,
    formmethod: form_method,
    formnovalidate: opt_bool,
    formtarget: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    type: Rbs("'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' | nil"),
    value: value,
  "Canvas" => {
    height: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Caption" => {}.freeze,
  "Cite" => {}.freeze,
  "Code" => {}.freeze,
  "Command" => {}.freeze,
  "Colgroup" => {
    span: opt_string_sym,
  "Data" => {
    value: value,
  "Datalist" => {}.freeze,
  "Dd" => {}.freeze,
  "Del" => {
    cite: opt_string_sym,
    datetime: opt_string_sym,
  "Details" => {
    open: opt_bool,
  # ontoggle: Quince::Types::OptionalMethod;
  "Dfn" => {}.freeze,
  "Dialog" => {
    open: opt_bool,
  "Div" => {}.freeze,
  "Dl" => {}.freeze,
  "Dt" => {}.freeze,
  "Em" => {}.freeze,
  "Fieldset" => {
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Figcaption" => {}.freeze,
  "Figure" => {}.freeze,
  "Form" => {
    "accept-charset": opt_string_sym,
    action: opt_string_sym,
    autocomplete: opt_string_sym,
    enctype: opt_string_sym,
    Method: form_method,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    novalidate: opt_bool,
    target: opt_string_sym,
  "Footer" => {}.freeze,
  "H1" => {}.freeze,
  "H2" => {}.freeze,
  "H3" => {}.freeze,
  "H4" => {}.freeze,
  "H5" => {}.freeze,
  "H6" => {}.freeze,
  "Head" => {}.freeze,
  "Header" => {}.freeze,
  "Html" => {
    manifest: opt_string_sym,
  "I" => {}.freeze,
  "Iframe" => {
    allow: opt_string_sym,
    allowfullscreen: opt_bool,
    allowtransparency: opt_bool,
    height: opt_string_sym,
    loading: Rbs('"eager" | "lazy" | nil'),
    name: opt_string_sym,
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
    sandbox: opt_string_sym,
    seamless: opt_bool,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    srcdoc: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Ins" => {
    cite: opt_string_sym,
    datetime: opt_string_sym,
  "Kbd" => {}.freeze,
  "Keygen" => {
    autofocus: opt_bool,
    challenge: opt_string_sym,
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    keytype: opt_string_sym,
    keyparams: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Label" => {
    form: opt_string_sym,
    for: opt_string_sym,
  "Legend" => {}.freeze,
  "Li" => {
    value: value,
  "Main" => {},
  "Map" => {
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Mark" => {}.freeze,
  "Menu" => {
    type: opt_string_sym,
  "Meter" => {
    form: opt_string_sym,
    high: opt_string_sym,
    low: opt_string_sym,
    Max: opt_string_sym,
    Min: opt_string_sym,
    optimum: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
  "Nav" => {}.freeze,
  "Noscript" => {}.freeze,
  "Object" => {
    classid: opt_string_sym,
    data: opt_string_sym,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    height: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
    usemap: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
    wmode: opt_string_sym,
  "Ol" => {
    reversed: opt_bool,
    start: opt_string_sym,
    type: Rbs("'1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I' | nil"),
  "Optgroup" => {
    disabled: opt_bool,
    label: opt_string_sym,
  "Option" => {
    disabled: opt_bool,
    label: opt_string_sym,
    selected: opt_bool,
    value: value,
  "Output" => {
    form: opt_string_sym,
    for: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Para" => {}, # for "p" element, in order not to clash with Ruby's common `p` method
  "Pre" => {}.freeze,
  "Progress" => {
    Max: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
  "Q" => {}.freeze,
  "Quote" => {
    cite: opt_string_sym,
  "Rp" => {}.freeze,
  "Rt" => {}.freeze,
  "Ruby" => {}.freeze,
  "S" => {}.freeze,
  "Samp" => {}.freeze,
  "Script" => {
    async: opt_bool,
    crossorigin: opt_string_sym,
    defer: opt_bool,
    integrity: opt_string_sym,
    nomodule: opt_bool,
    nonce: opt_string_sym,
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
  "Section" => {}.freeze,
  "Select" => {
    autocomplete: opt_string_sym,
    autofocus: opt_bool,
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    multiple: opt_bool,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    required: opt_bool,
    Size: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
  # onchange: Rbs::Types::OptionalMethod,
  "Small" => {}.freeze,
  "Span" => {}.freeze,
  "Strong" => {}.freeze,
  "Slot" => {
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Style" => {
    media: opt_string_sym,
    nonce: opt_string_sym,
    scoped: opt_bool,
    type: opt_string_sym,
  "Sub" => {}.freeze,
  "Sup" => {}.freeze,
  "Table" => {
    cellpadding: opt_string_sym,
    cellspacing: opt_string_sym,
    summary: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Tbody" => {}.freeze,
  "Td" => {
    align: Rbs('"left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char" | nil'),
    colspan: opt_string_sym,
    headers: opt_string_sym,
    rowspan: opt_string_sym,
    scope: opt_string_sym,
    abbr: opt_string_sym,
    height: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
    valign: Rbs('"top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "baseline" | nil'),
  "Textarea" => {
    autocomplete: opt_string_sym,
    autofocus: opt_bool,
    cols: opt_string_sym,
    dirname: opt_string_sym,
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    maxlength: opt_string_sym,
    minlength: opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    placeholder: opt_string_sym,
    readonly: opt_bool,
    required: opt_bool,
    rows: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
    wrap: opt_string_sym,
  # onchange: Rbs::Types::OptionalMethod,
  "Tfoot" => {}.freeze,
  "Th" => {
    align: Rbs('"left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char" | nil'),
    colspan: opt_string_sym,
    headers: opt_string_sym,
    rowspan: opt_string_sym,
    scope: opt_string_sym,
    abbr: opt_string_sym,
  "Thead" => {}.freeze,
  "Title" => {}.freeze,
  "Time" => {
    datetime: opt_string_sym,
  "Tr" => {}.freeze,
  "U" => {}.freeze,
  "Ul" => {}.freeze,
  "Var" => {}.freeze,
  "Video" => {
    autoplay: opt_bool,
    controls: opt_bool,
    controlslist: opt_string_sym,
    crossorigin: opt_string_sym,
    height: opt_string_sym,
    loop: opt_bool,
    mediagroup: opt_string_sym,
    muted: opt_bool,
    playsinline: opt_bool,
    poster: opt_string_sym,
    preload: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Area" => {
    alt: opt_string_sym,
    coords: opt_string_sym,
    download: opt_string_sym,
    href: opt_string_sym,
    hreflang: opt_string_sym,
    media: opt_string_sym,
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
    rel: opt_string_sym,
    shape: opt_string_sym,
    target: opt_string_sym,
  "Base" => {
    href: opt_string_sym,
    target: opt_string_sym,
  "Br" => {}.freeze,
  "Col" => {
    span: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Embed" => {
    height: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  "Hr" => {}.freeze,
  "Img" => {
    alt: opt_string_sym,
    crossorigin: Rbs('"anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "" | nil'),
    decoding: Rbs('"async" | "auto" | "sync" | nil'),
    height: Rbs("#{opt_string_sym} | Integer"),
    loading: Rbs('"eager" | "lazy" | nil'),
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
    sizes: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    srcSet: opt_string_sym,
    useMap: opt_string_sym,
    width: Rbs("#{opt_string_sym} | Integer"),
  "Input" => {
    accept: opt_string_sym,
    alt: opt_string_sym,
    autocomplete: opt_string_sym,
    autofocus: opt_bool,
    capture: Rbs("String | #{opt_bool}"),
    checked: opt_bool,
    crossorigin: opt_string_sym,
    disabled: opt_bool,
    form: opt_string_sym,
    formaction: opt_string_sym,
    formenctype: opt_string_sym,
    formmethod: form_method,
    formnovalidate: opt_bool,
    formtarget: opt_string_sym,
    height: opt_string_sym,
    list: opt_string_sym,
    Max: opt_string_sym,
    maxlength: opt_string_sym,
    Min: opt_string_sym,
    minlength: opt_string_sym,
    multiple: opt_bool,
    name: opt_string_sym,
    pattern: opt_string_sym,
    placeholder: opt_string_sym,
    readonly: opt_bool,
    required: opt_bool,
    Size: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    step: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
    width: opt_string_sym,
  # onchange: Rbs::Types::OptionalMethod,
  "Link" => {
    as: opt_string_sym,
    crossorigin: opt_string_sym,
    href: opt_string_sym,
    hreflang: opt_string_sym,
    integrity: opt_string_sym,
    media: opt_string_sym,
    referrerpolicy: referrer_policy,
    rel: opt_string_sym,
    sizes: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
    charset: opt_string_sym,
  "Meta" => {
    charSet: opt_string_sym,
    content: opt_string_sym,
    "http-equiv": opt_string_sym,
    name: opt_string_sym,
  "Param" => {
    name: opt_string_sym,
    value: value,
  "Source" => {
    media: opt_string_sym,
    sizes: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    srcset: opt_string_sym,
    type: opt_string_sym,
  "Track" => {
    default: opt_bool,
    kind: opt_string_sym,
    label: opt_string_sym,
    src: opt_string_sym,
    srclang: opt_string_sym,
  "Wbr" => {}.freeze,
  accesskey: opt_string_sym,
  Class: opt_string_sym,
  contenteditable: opt_string_sym,
  # data-*: opt_string_sym,
  dir: opt_string_sym,
  draggable: opt_string_sym,
  hidden: opt_string_sym,
  id: opt_string_sym,
  lang: opt_string_sym,
  spellcheck: opt_string_sym,
  style: opt_string_sym,
  tabindex: opt_string_sym,
  title: opt_string_sym,
  translate: opt_string_sym,
  onclick: opt_callback,
  onsubmit: opt_callback,
  onblur: opt_callback,
  onchange: opt_callback,
  onsearch: opt_callback,
  onkeyup: opt_callback,
  onselect: opt_callback,
  onscroll: opt_callback,

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details


# File 'lib/quince/html_tag_components.rb', line 120

def error_message_styles


# File 'lib/quince/html_tag_components.rb', line 89

def internal_scripts
  contents =, "..", "..", "scripts.js"))
  script {