QuoteSql - Tool to build and run SQL queries easier
I've built this library as an addition to ActiveRecord and Arel, however you can use it with any sql database and plain Ruby. However currently it is just used with PostgreSQL.
Creating SQL queries and proper quoting becomes complicated especially when you need advanced queries.
I created this library while coding for different projects, and had lots of Heredoc SQL queries, which pretty quickly becomes the kind of:
When I wrote these lines of code, just me and God knew what they mean. Now its just God.
My strategy is to segment SQL Queries in readable junks, which can be individually tested and then combine their sql to the final query.
QuoteSql is used in production, but is still bleeding edge - and there is not a fully sync between doc and code.
If you think QuoteSql is interesting, let's chat! Also if you have problems using it, just drop me a note.
Best Martin
Simple quoting
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %field").quote(field: "abc").to_sql
=> SELECT 'abc'
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %field__text").quote(field__text: 9).to_sql
Rails models
QuoteSql.new(Users.limit(10).select("%columns")).quote(columns: ['first_name', 'last_name').to_sql
=> SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users LIMIT 10
Quoting of columns and table from a model - or an object responding to table_name and column_names or columns
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %columns FROM %table_name").quote(table: User).to_sql
=> SELECT "id",firstname","lastname",... FROM "users"
Injecting raw sql in a query
QuoteSql.new("SELECT a,b,%raw FROM table").quote(raw: "jsonb_build_object('a', 1)").to_sql
=> SELECT "a,b,jsonb_build_object('a', 1) FROM table
Injecting ActiveRecord, Arel.sql or QuoteSql
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %column_names FROM (%any_name) a").
quote(any_name: User.select("%column_names").where(id: 3), column_names: [:firstname, :lastname]).to_sql
=> SELECT firstname, lastname FROM (SELECT firstname, lastname FROM users where id = 3)
Insert of values quoted and sorted with columns
Values are be ordered in sequence of columns. Missing value entries are substitured with DEFAULT.
QuoteSql.new("INSERT INTO %table (%columns) VALUES %values ON CONFLICT (%constraint) DO NOTHING").
quote(table: User, values: [
{firstname: "Albert", id: 1, lastname: "Müller"},
{lastname: "Schultz", firstname: "herbert"}
], constraint: :id).to_sql
=> INSERT INTO "users" ("id", "firstname", "lastname", "created_at")
VALUES (1, 'Albert', 'Müller', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), (DEFAULT, 'herbert', 'Schultz', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
Columns from a list
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %columns").quote(columns: [:a, :"b.c", c: {d: field}]).to_sql
=> SELECT "a","b"."c",jsonb_build_object('d', field) AS c
QuoteSql.new("SELECT %columns").quote(columns: [:a, :"b.c", c: {d: field, nil: false}]).to_sql
=> SELECT "a","b"."c",jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('d', 1)) AS c
Execution of a query
QuoteSql.new("Select 1 as abc").result
=> [:abc=>1]
Substitution of mixins with quoted values
In the SQL matches of %foo
or %{foo}
or %foo_4_bar
or %{foo_4_bar}
the "mixins"
are substituted with quoted values
the values are looked up from the options given in the quotes method
the mixins can be recursive.
*Caution! You need to take care, no protection against infinite recursion *
Special mixins
quoting for database columns%raw
inserting raw SQL%value
creates value section for e.g. insert- In the right order
- Single value => (2)
- +Array+ => (column, column, column) n.b. has to be the correct order
- +Array+ of +Array+ => (...),(...),(...),...
- if the columns option is given (or implicitely by setting table)
- +Hash+ values are ordered according to the columns option, missing values are replaced by
- +Array+ of +Hash+ multiple record insert
is replaced with the current bind sequence. Without appended number the first %bind => $1, the second => $2 etc.- %bind\d+ => $+Integer+ e.g.
=> $7 %bind__text
=> $1 and it is registered as text - this is used in prepared statements (TO BE IMPLEMENTED)%key_bind__text
=> $1 and it is registered as text when using +Hash+ in the execute $1 will be mapped to the key's value in the +Hash+ TODO
- %bind\d+ => $+Integer+ e.g.
All can be preceded by additional letters and underscore e.g. %foo_bar_column
Type casts
A database typecast is added to fields ending with double underscore and a valid db data type with optional array dimension
=> adds a::JSONB
typecast to the field%number_to__text
=> adds a::TEXT
typecast to the field%array__text1
=> adds a::TEXT[]
(TO BE IMPLEMENTED)%array__text2
=> adds a::TEXT[][]
- Any value of the standard mixins are quoted with these exceptions
- +Array+ are quoted as DB Arrays unless a type cast is given e.g. __jsonb
- +Hash+ are quoted as jsonb unless a type cast is given e.g. __json
- When the value responds to :to_sql or is a +Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral+ its added as raw SQL
- +Proc+ are executed with the +QuoteSQL::Quoter+ object as parameter and added as raw SQL
Special quoting columns
- +String+ or +Symbol+ without a dot e.g. :firstname => "firstname"
- +String+ or +Symbol+ containing a dot e.g. "users.firstname" or => "users"."firstname"
- +Array+
- +String+ and +Symbols+ see above
- +Hash+ see below
- +Hash+ or within the +Array+
- +Symbol+ value will become the column name e.g. :column => "table"."column"
- +String+ value will become the expression, the key the AS "SUM()" => SUM() AS result
- +Proc+ are executed with the +QuoteSQL::Quoter+ object as parameter and added as raw SQL
Shortcuts and functions
QuoteSQL("select %abc", abc: 1)
==QuoteSql.new("select %abc").quote(abc: 1)
- when you have in your initializer
String.include QuoteSql::Extension
you can do e.g."select %abc".quote_sql(abc: 1)
- when you have in your initializer
ActiveRecord::Relation.include QuoteSql::Extension
you can do e.g.Profile.limit(10).select('%abc').quote_sql(abc: 1)
Debug and dump
If you have pg_format installed you can get the resulting query inspected:
QuoteSql.new("select %abc").quote(abc: 1).dsql
gem install quote-sql
or in Gemfile
gem 'quote-sql'
Ruby on Rails
Add this to config/initializers/quote_sql.rb
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
require 'quote_sql'
QuoteSql.db_connector = ActiveRecord::Base
String.include QuoteSql::Extension
ActiveRecord::Relation.include QuoteSql::Extension
- Functionalities not yet used in my production might not work
- More documentation
- Tests missing
- Missing functionalities
- Prepare
- which other - let me know!