1.1.3 (Saint Petersburg)

  • Fix memory leak from cache key missmatch in Rails plugin (by silentshade).

1.1.2 (Marshal)

  • Fix translation and untranslated marshalizing (by silentshade).

  • Allow to compare untranslated strings.

  • Fix untranslated strings output in tests.

1.1.1 (Dunhuang)

  • Don’t change YAML parser in Ruby 1.9.

  • Allow to change locale by argument in R18n Rails backend.

  • Set also Rails I18n locale in Rails autodetect filter.

  • Fix caching with custom filters (by Anton Onyshchenko).

  • Fix translation variables with “%1” text inside (by Taras Kunch).

  • Fix Latvian locale (by Aleksandrs Ļedovskis).

1.1.0 (Leipzig)

  • A lot of fixes in Rails I18n compatibility (thanks for Stephan Schubert).

  • Return Untranslted, when user try to call another translation key on already translated string.

  • Add Translation#to_hash to get raw translation.

  • Add Translation#inspect to easy debug.

  • Return translation, when pluralization filter didn’t get count.

  • Set R18n backend on Rails plugin init, to use it in console.

  • Allow to use Fixnum in translation keys.

1.0.1 (Phuket Town)

  • Fix translation reloading in Rails and Sinatra.

  • Use global R18n settings for Sinatra extension.

  • Allow to override desktop autodetect by LANG environment on all platforms.

  • Add support for JRuby in 1.9 mode.

  • Rename R18n.reset to R18n.reset! and add R18n.clear_cache!.

  • Fix Sinatra with loaded ActiveSupport.

  • Add Mongolian locale (by Elias Klughammer).

1.0.0 (Bangkok)

  • Add R18n.default_places.

  • Rails SafeBuffer support.

  • Allow in Rails app to put filters to app/i18n reload them in development.

  • Move R18n::I18n.available_locales to R18n.available_locales.

  • Rename _keys to translation_keys.

  • Use Kramdown instead of Maruku for Markdown.

  • Allow to use R18n for Rails without mailer.

  • Allow to overwrite I18n object for models.

  • Autoload R18n::Translated.

  • Set default locale to R18n on Rails start to easy use in Rails console.

  • Use env language in Rails console.

  • Mark untranslated part as red in Rails console.

  • Allow to temporary change locale by R18n.change.

  • Add R18n.locale shortcut.

  • Allow return from setter block locale code, instead of I18n object.

  • Allow to set custom filters for I18n object.

  • Add Galician locale (by Eduard Giménez).

  • Add Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese (by Francis Chong).

  • Fix Norsk locale (by Peter Haza).

0.4.14 (üç)

  • Fix support for Ruby 1.9.3.

  • Added Turkish locale (by Ahmet Özkaya).

  • Fix Swedish locale (by Pär Wieslander).

0.4.13 (Sti)

  • Fix Pathname to String error in r18n-desktop.

  • Add Norwegian locale (by Oddmund Strømme).

0.4.12 (Шлях)

  • Fix Pathname to String convertion error.

  • Fix model translation for non-ActiveRecord (by Szymon Przybył).

  • Add Ukrainian locale (by Ярослав Руденок).

0.4.11 (Nancy)

  • Support for Sinatra 1.3.

  • Fix JRuby support by Paul Walker.

  • Add R18n helpers to Rails mailer by Alexey Medvedev.

0.4.10 (Kvantum)

  • Add R18n.set(locales, places), R18n.t and R18n.l shortcuts.

  • Convert float to number on pluralization.

  • Fix loading empty translation file.

  • Add Portuguese locale.

  • Add Dutch locale (by Sander Heilbron).

  • Add Swedish locale (by Magnus Hörberg).

0.4.9 (Kazan)

  • Add support for Psych YAML parser (thanks for Ravil Bayramgalin).

  • Fix ActiveRecord support in Translated.

  • Fix Translated to return non-string values.

  • Fix human time localization.

  • Add Bulgarian locale (by Mitko Kostov).

  • Add Australian English locale (by Dave Sag).

0.4.8 (En ni to)

  • Fix support for Ruby 1.9.2.

  • Fix caching issue (by Viktors Rotanovs).

  • Add Danish locale (by Hans Czajkowski Jørgensen)

  • Fix Italian locale (by Viktors Rotanovs).

  • Move untranslated filters with html highlight to r18n-core. (Kyū)

  • Fix Japanese locale in Ruby 1.9.1.

0.4.7 (Mado)

  • Fix autodetect locale in Windows and Ruby 1.9.1 (by Marvin Gülker).

  • Fix autodetect locale in JRuby (by Kővágó, Zoltán).

  • Fix human time format on 60 minutes.

  • Add Hungarian locale (by Kővágó, Zoltán).

  • Add Japanese locale (by hryk).

  • Fix Polish locale (by Piotr Szotkowski).

0.4.6 (Trinity)

  • Add support for new interpolation syntax in Rails 3.

  • Add Catalian locale (by Jordi Romero).

  • Add Finish locale (by Laura Guillén).

  • Add British locale (by JP Hastings-Spital).

  • Add Latvian locale (by Iļja Ketris).

  • Fix Spanish (by Jordi Romero), German, French, Esperanto (by Iļja Ketris) and Polish locales.

  • Fix documentation (by Iļja Ketris and felix).

  • Remove RubyGems from plugins requires.

0.4.5 (Annual)

  • Filters for several types.

  • Global HTML escaping run before Markdown and Textile formatting.

  • Fix active filters after passive filters.

  • Fix human time formatting for dates with same month days.

0.4.4 (Frank)

  • Use before filter to lazy set I18n object in Sinatra extension.

  • Set I18n object to thread (by Simon Hafner).

  • Add to l Rails helper R18n syntax.

  • Add common helpers.

  • Clear cache in R18n.reset.

  • Clean up code and fix bug (by Akzhan Abdulin).

  • Add Thai locale (by Felix Hanley).

0.4.3 (Flange)

  • Add R18n style methods to Rails controllers.

  • Fix for non-string translations in Rails I18n.

  • Use default locale from Rails I18n config.

  • Load translations recursively.

  • Add Slovak locale (by Ahmed Al Hafoudh)

0.4.2 (EMS)

  • Fixes for Ruby 1.8.6 (by Akzhan Abdulin).

  • Add method to get translation keys.

0.4.1 (Lazy Boole)

  • Add passive filters.

  • Receive filter position as option Hash.

  • Fix base translations (by Pavel Kunc).

0.4 (D-Day)

  • Rails I18n compatibility.

  • Rewrite a lot of core code to fast and cleanup version.

  • Custom translation loaders.

  • Add reload! method to I18n.

  • Add t and l helpers to Sinatra and desktop plugins.

  • Syntax sugar for default values.

  • Named variables.

  • New locale API.

  • Change API for extension translations.

0.3.2 (Pidgin)

  • Print path of untranslated string by filters.

  • Add Italian locale (by Guido De Rosa).

  • Fix Polish locale (by Adrian Pacała).

  • Fix American English locale (by Max Aller).

0.3.1 (Yield)

  • Add Chinese locale (by Ilia Zayats).

  • Add Spanish locale (by Andre O Moura).

  • Add Brazilian Portuguese locale (by Andre O Moura).

  • Remove RubyGems requires.

0.3 (Vladivostok)

  • Translated mixin to add i18n support to model or any other class.

  • New cool time formatters.

  • Filters for translations.

  • Add filters to escape HTML, Markdown and Textile syntax.

  • Pluralization and variables is now filters and can be replaced.

  • I18n#locales now contain all detected locales, used to load translations, instead of just received from user.

  • Bugfix in locale code case.

  • Add Czech locale (by Josef Pospíšil).

0.2.3 (Shanghai eclipse)

  • R18n will return path string if translation isn’t exists.

  • Add UnsupportedLocale class for locale without information file.

  • Load absent locale information from default locale.

  • Add Polish locale (by Tymon Tobolski).

0.2.2 (Clone Wars)

  • Localize numbers in pluralization.

  • Bugfix in translation variables.

0.2.1 (Neun)

  • Ruby 1.9 compatibility.

  • Add German locale (by Benjamin Meichsner).

0.2 (Freedom of Language)

  • Locale class can be extended for special language (for example, Indian locale may has another digits grouping).

  • Load translations from several dirs.

  • Add French locale.

  • Add Kazakh locale.

0.1.1 (Saluto)

  • Loading i18n object without translations.

  • Add output for standalone month name.

  • Don’t call procedures from translations if it isn’t secure.

  • Add Esperanto locale.

  • English locale now contain UK date standards.