
rack-indifferent modifiesrack to make the hash it stores query params in support indifferent access. This allows web frameworks/applications that use rack-indifferent don’t have to make a deep copy of the params to allow indifferent access to the params.


gem install rack-indifferent

Source Code

Source code is available on GitHub at github.com/jeremyevans/rack-indifferent

Basic Usage

You just need to require the library:

require 'rack/indifferent'

On rack 1, this will monkey patch a rack class to change the query params hashes that rack uses to use indifferent access.

On rack 2, this will set a new default query parser that uses hashes with indifferent access. Note that web frameworks and applications that use custom query parsers in their request class will not be affected by rack-indifferent.




Jeremy Evans <[email protected]>