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This project provides a simple "framework" for profiling request / response times, and sending the data to another service. It includes a base class Rack::RequestProfiler for handling the logic of wrapping and timing the request / response cycle in a rack app.

By default, the Rack::RequestProfiler middleware does not do anything with the profiling data. Instead, this logic must be implemented by subclasses by defining the handle_results instance method. For example, you might send profiling data to an external web service (stathat, papertrail, loggly, etc), statsd, write to a logfile on disk, put it in a persistent store like redis or mongo, or really anything else your heart desires.

This project currently provides profiler middlewares for stathat and statsd. If you'd like to contribute a profiler middleware, pull requests are welcome.


gem install rack-request_profiler


Simply include one of the profiler middlewares into the middleware stack in any rack-compatible application like so:

use Rack::Profilers::Statsd,'localhost'), :ignore_path => /^\/assets/

Be default, we match URL's that look like BSON ids. You can over-ride this regular expression like this:

Rack::Utils::UrlStripper.id_pattern = /some_other_pattern/


  • Statsd - Uses the statsd ruby client to send data to statsd / graphite.
  • Stathat - Uses the em-stathat gem to send data to stathat asynchronously via eventmachine.