Rails Asset Pipeline for Radiant CMS

Radiant extension adding extra tags for Rails3-like asset pipeline integration. Based on the Michael Grosser's backport of asset pipeline functionality: https://github.com/grosser/rails2_asset_pipeline


  1. Add to your Gemfile:

    gem "radiant-rails_asset_pipeline-extension"
  2. If you want dynamic assets in development (and you do want them) - add config.ru from rails2_asset_pipeline to the root of your application.

Asset files can be stored in app/assets, or radiant/assets - handy if you're also using file_system_resources extension with Radiant.


  1. Stylesheets:

    <r:stylesheet_link_tag source="application" />
  2. Javascripts:

    <r:javascript_include_tag source="application" />
  3. Images:

    <r:image_tag source="image.png" />
  4. Asset path:

    <r:asset_path source="application.css" />


All tasks from rails2_asset_pipeline are available for you. For example, if you want to precompile all assets:

rake assets:precompile

to see all available tasks:

rake -T assets: