Rafter Fulfillment Client


Please note that the examples provided below are intended to be an interaction blueprint and are subject to change.

Rafter-Fulfillment installation & initialization

To use the Rafter fulfillment client, install with:

gem install rafter-fulfillment

To initialize the client do the following in Ruby:

@client = Fulfillment::Client.new(:api_key => 'API-KEY', :host => 'FULFILLMENT-HOST')
  • API-KEY will be given to you by your Rafter technical contact.
  • FULFILLMENT-HOST will be fulfillment-service.rafter.com for Rafter's production environment.

Order methods

Fulfillment::Order.show(client, public_id)

Shows an order. Response includes resource location information to the order's OrderItems.

order = Fulfillment::Order.show(@client, @public_id)

Fulfillment::Order.search(@client, search_options_hash)

Search for orders matching parameters passed in search_options_hash. The resource will be a PagedResult of Orders.

search_options_hash = {
  :client_reference_id => 'TEST_ORDER_42'
@orders = Fulfillment::Order.search(@client, search_options_hash)

Fulfillment::Order.reject(@client, public_id, rejected_code)

Rejects an order given order_public_id. Only orders in the processing status can be rejected. Orders will acknowledged order items cannot be rejected.

rejected_order = Fulfillment::Order.reject(@client, @order.public_id, @order_item.public_id, 1)


rejected_order = @order.reject(Fulfillment::Order::REJECT_OUT_OF_STOCK)

Possible rejected_codes are as follows:

  • REJECT_CODE_BAD_ORDER_INFO invalid order information
  • REJECT_CODE_GENERIC miscellaneous rejection
  • REJECT_CODE_OUT_OF_STOCK fulfillment provider is temporarily out of stock

Fulfillment::Order.processing_transition(client, public_id)

Moves a ready order into the processing state. This should be done on an order in the ready state to acknowledge it for processing. Only the authenticated fulfillment_provider can call this method.

processing_order = Fulfillment::Order.processing_transition(@client, @public_id)


processing_order = order.process

Fulfillment::Order.shipping_transition(client, public_id)

Moves a processing order into the shipping state. This should be done on an order in the processing state to indicate it is ready for further shipment information. Only the authenticated fulfillment_provider can call this method.

shipping_order = Fulfillment::Order.shipping_transition(@client, @public_id)


shipping_order = order.shipping

Fulfillment::Order.shipped_transition(client, public_id, order_shipment_hashes_array)

Moves a shipping order into the shipped state. This should be done on an order in the shipping state. Only the authenticated fulfillment_provider can call this method.

shipped_order = Fulfillment::Order.shipped_transition(@client, @public_id)


shipped_order = order.shipped

Order Item methods

Fulfillment::OrderItem.show(client, order_public_id, order_item_public_id)

Shows an OrderItem given order_public_id.

order_item = Fulfillment::OrderItem.show(@client, @order.public_id, order_item_public_id)

Fulfillment::OrderItem.list(client, order_public_id)

List all OrderItems for order_public_id. Resource returned will be a PagedResult of OrderItems.

order_items = Fulfillment::OrderItem.list(@client, @order.public_id).results


order_items = @order.order_items.results

Fulfillment::OrderItem.process(client, order_public_id, order_item_public_id)

  • Moves a RafterItem to processing status given order_public_id.
  • Sets RafterItem quantity_requested to quantity_accepted.
  • SupplyItem's should not use this method. Use Fulfillment::OrderItem.acknowledge.
processing_order_item = Fulfillment::OrderItem.process(@client, @order.public_id, @order_item.public_id)


processing_order_item = @order_item.process

Fulfillment::OrderItem.acknowledge(client, order_public_id, order_item_public_id, acknowledgements)```

  • Acknowledges SupplyItem quantity given order_public_id.
  • Order must be ready or processing
  • If quantity_rejected equals the quantity_requested that the OrderItem was created with then the OrderItem will be marked as rejected.
  • Will error if quantity_accepted is decreased for an Order Item.
acknowledgement_hash = {"quantity_accepted" => 3, "quantity_rejected" => 0}
order_item = Fulfillment::OrderItem.acknowledge(@client, @order.public_id, @order_item.public_id, acknowledgement_hash)


order_item_with_acknowledgements = @order_item.acknowledge({"quantity_accepted" => 10, "quantity_rejected" => 2})

Fulfillment::OrderItem.reject(client, order_public_id, order_item_public_id, rejected_code)```

  • Rejects an OrderItem given order_public_id.
  • Cannot be rejected if previously acknowledged with a quantity_accepted greater than 0.
  • Sets quantity_rejected to quantity_requested.
rejected_order_item = Fulfillment::OrderItem.reject(@client, @order.public_id, @order_item.public_id, 1)


rejected_order_item = @order_item.reject(rejected_code)

Possible rejected_codes are as follows:

GENERIC_REJECTION = 1 # un-categorized rejection reason
OUT_OF_STOCK_REJECTION = 2 # fulfillment provider is temporarily out of stock
ITEM_NOT_STOCKED_REJECTION = 3 # fulfillment provider does not know about this item at all

Shipment methods

Fulfillment::Shipment.create(client, order_public_id, shipment_hash)

Creates shipping information for an existing order. The order must be in the shipping state.

  • The shipment_hash must contain a ship_date, tracking_number, carrier, carrier_code, a client_reference_id, and a fulfillment_order_items element containing a list of public IDs that correspond to order line items.
  • Fulfillment_order_items may not be an empty array.
  • Limited to 100 fulfillment order items on the initial create.
  • A Shipment resource is returned.
  • If quantity_shorted is not provided it will be defaulted to 0.
  • If quantity_shipped is not provided it will be defaulted to 1.
  • Will not create Shipment if ShipmentItems are created with more quantity_shipped than quantity_accepted on an OrderItem.
shipment_hash = {
  :tracking_number => '1Z1234567',
  :carrier => 'UPS',
  :carrier_code => 'Second Day',
  :shipment_reference_id => 'TEST_SHIP_6',
  :fulfillment_order_items => [
      :public_id => 'FOIfb27e0',
      :quantity_shipped => '2',
      :quantity_shorted => '1'
      :public_id => 'FOI4eeae3'
shipment = Fulfillment::Shipment.create(@client, @order.public_id, shipment_hash)

Fulfillment::Shipment.show(client, shipment_public_id)

Shows a shipment. Response includes resource location information to the shipment items.

shipment = Fulfillment::Shipment.show(@client, @shipment_public_id)`

Fulfillment::Shipment.add(client, order_public_id, shipment_public_id, shipment_item_hashes_array)

Adds items to a shipment. Limited to 100 items at a time, and returning an error if this limit is exceeded. The Shipment resource returned will include a location to the order items added as well as the new total number of order items for this order. If quantity_shorted is not provided it will be defaulted to 0. If quantity_shipped is not provided it will be defaulted to 1.

shipment_item_hashes_array = [
    :public_id => 'FOIfb27e0',
    :quantity_shipped => '2',
    :quantity_shorted => '1'
    :public_id => 'FOI4eeae3'
shipment = Fulfillment::Shipment.add(@client, @order.public_id, @shipment.public_id, shipment_item_hashes_array)

Fulfillment::Shipment.close(client, order_public_id, shipment_public_id)

Moves a FulfillmentShipment into the 'closed' state to signify nothing more will be added to the shipment.

closed_shipment = Fulfillment::Shipment.close(client, order_public_id, shipment_public_id)


List all shipments. The resource will be a PagedResult of Shipments.

shipments = Fulfillment::Shipment.list(client)

Fulfillment::Shipment.shipment_items(client, shipment_public_id)

List items in a shipment. The resource will be a PagedResult of ShipmentItems.

shipment_items = Fulfillment::Shipment.shipment_items(client, shipment_public_id)


shipment_items = @shipment.shipment_items