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Rails Cloud Tasks


The following APIs must be enabled in your project(s):


As an application (when contributing)

  • Install packages:
  bundle install

As a package (when inside another application)

  • Add the gem to application's Gemfile:

    gem 'rails-cloud-tasks'
  • Add an initializer:

    # ./config/initializers/rails_cloud_tasks.rb

require 'rails-cloud-tasks'

RailsCloudTasks.configure do |config| config.service_account_email = '[email protected]' config.project_id = 'my-gcp-project' # This is not needed if running on GCE config.location_id = 'us-central1' config.scheduler_file_path = './custom_path/scheduler_jobs.yml' config.scheduler_prefix_name = 'my-app-name'

# Base url used by Cloud Tasks to reach your application and run the tasks = '' config.tasks_path = '/v2/tasks' # default: '/tasks'

# Inject routes into application config.inject_routes end

Check out the available configs and its usage description:

| attribute                 | description                                                                                                   | env support           | app engine fallback   | default value             |
|-----------------------    |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |---------------------  |--------------------   |-------------------------- |
| service_account_email     | The app service account email. It''s used to impersonate an user on schedule job                              | GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT   | ✓                   |                           |
| project_id                | The Project ID                                                                                                | GCP_PROJECT           | ✓                   |                           |
| location_id               | The region where you app is running (eg: us-central1, us-east1...)                                            | GCP_LOCATION          | ✓                   |                           |
| host                      | The app endpoint which the app is running. *Do not use custom domain* Use the generated domain by Cloud Run   | GCP_APP_ENDPOINT      |                       |                           |
| scheduler_file_path       | Path which the scheduler file is located                                                                      | 𐄂                      |                       | './config/scheduler.yml'  |
| scheduler_prefix_name     | The prefix to be set into scheduler job name                                                                  | 𐄂                      |                       | 'rails-cloud'             |
| tasks_path                | The path to run tasks                                                                                         | 𐄂                      |                       | '/tasks'                  |

- Configure ActiveJob queue_adapter

# ./config/application.rb

config.active_job.queue_adapter = RailsCloudTasks.queue_adapter
  • Add a Job class: ```ruby # ./app/jobs/application_job.rb

class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base queue_as 'my-default-queue' end


class MyFirstJob < ApplicationJob # Here you may override the queue, if needed queue_as 'some-other-queue'

def perform(attrs) # Execute stuff end end

- Enqueue a job:

Scheduled Jobs

We have support to Google Cloud Schedule. It's based on Cloud tasks, the jobs are scheduled with HTTP Target. We do not support Pub/Sub or App Engine HTTP for now.

Check out the follow sample of config file:

# config/scheduler.yml
- name: UsersSyncJob
  schedule: 0 8 * * *
  description: Sync user data
  time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles"
  class_name: Users::SyncJob
    - this_first: argument
      is_a: hash
    - - this second argument
      - is an array
    - this third argument is a string
attribute description required
name Any descriptive name, following Tasks naming restrictions
schedule The frequency to run your job. It should be a unix-cron format
description What this job does
time_zone Choose which one timezone your job must run
args Arguments to the job execution. Important: if present, this must be an array of items. Check out the example above 𐄂
class_name The Job class name (including namespace)


To run tests:

bundle exec rspec


Use Semantic versioning.