
A lightweight engine gem/plugin with no dependencies for authenticating users through Dribbble. Provides Dribble oauth calls to authenticate a given user, and receive back user's Dribbble information.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails-dribbble-oauth'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails-dribbble-oauth

Register your application with Dribbble and setup the callback

rails-dribbble-oauth adds routes to your applicationupon installation, visible via rake routes. The route setup is [your root app]/dribbble/*, where * is one of three possibilities: request, callback, and information.

To get started, register your application with Dribbble.

  • Make a user account if you do not already have one.
  • Navigate to dribbble.com/account/applications to create your application's account.
  • On the bottom of the page, click Register a new application.
  • Edit the Website URL and Callback URL portions. Include the callback route defined by the gem. This means your callback URL will be http://[your root application URL]/dribbble/callback:

callback screenshot

As soon as your application is registered, you will see your Client ID, Client Secret, and Client Access Token below on the same page. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values: you'll need to echo those into your application's runtime environment in order to use the gem.

Echo environment variables from Dribbble

Navigate to your application's environment shell. Run the following commands:

export DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_ID="[your application's Client ID]"
export DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_SECRET="[your application's Client Secret]"

Note: these environment variables must be named in this specific format.

You're now ready to build links in your root application. Navigate to the appropriate views and build your links using the dribbble_request_path, passing it a user_id parameter:

<%= link_to "Dribbble authentication request", dribbble_request_path(user_id: @user.id) %>

If your requesting user does not have an ID yet--such as if you want to authorize/authenticate users via Dribbble--this service will still work if it gets a nil value for user_id.

Get back user information from Dribbble

Add this line to your ApplicationController:

include RailsDribbbleOauth

Setup a new action in your UserController: add_dribbble_info. This action will be triggered once the Dribbble oauth request returns with information about the requesting user.

Program flow:

  1. User clicks your link: [your root app]/dribbble/request.
  2. User is served this page:

oauth request

  1. User clicks Authorize.
  2. rails-dribbble-oauth handles getting user's info from Dribbble.
  3. rails-dribbble-oauth redirects to your root application's [base app]/users/add_dribbble_info route with params containing the requesting user's information, such as in the following example. Note that params[:user_id] corresponds to your requesting user's ID in your application.
{ "status"=>"200 OK",
  "user_id"=>"1", # this is nil in the case of there not being a main app user registered initially
    "id"=>"[some id]",
    "name"=>"Esther Leytush",


Please make PRs for any aspect of this service that you feel is lacking. You can also check out open issues.

I appreciate any feedback, help, and contributions!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.