Rails + Google Maps

  • Gem provides small js library to simplify communication with google maps.
  • jQuery Autocomplete integration.

Something was taken from https://github.com/rjshade/gmaps-autocomplete


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails_google_maps'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rails_google_maps

To use this gem you need to require google map script on the top of your layout(before including application.js). Haml example:

- unless Rails.env == 'test' # we don't like to load gmaps while testing
    %script{:src => "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false", :type => "text/javascript"}

And include it in your application.js file after jquery:

//= require rails-google-maps/google_maps

Optionally you can use default styles for the map object:

// application.css
*= require rails_google_maps


SimpleForm usage:

Google maps autocomplete. in application.js:

//= require rails-google-maps/autocomplete

in template:

/*NOTE: gmap-canvas - default value and can be ommited*/
<%= f.input :address, as: :google_maps_autocomplete, input_html: { gmap_id: 'gmap_canvas' } %> 
<div id="gmap_canvas"></div>

Additionally on edit address point will be marked on the map.

That is all, if you want to use it without SimpleForm read next part.

Javascript usage:

1) Apply google map to div element where map should appear:

(new GoogleMap()).apply()

By default it will be applied to the element with id '#gmaps-canvas', but it can be customized:

(new GoogleMap({selector: '#gmaps'})).apply()

2) Store selected point (latitude and longitude) in input fields:

new GoogleMap({longitudeInput: '#longitude_input', latitudeInput: '#latitude_input'})

3) Set preferred location from your code:

gmap = new GoogleMap()
gmap.setMarker('address', 'New York')
gmap.setMarker('latLng', new google.maps.LatLng(51.751724,-1.255284))

4) Prevent users from changing location:

new GoogleMap({immutable: true})

5) Integrate map with jquery-autocomplete: in 'application.js':

//= require rails-google-maps/autocomplete

in client code:

gmap = new GoogleMap()
autoComplete = new GmapAutocomplete('#gmaps-input-address', gmap)

6) Add errors (these - are defaults):

(new GoogleMap({errorField: "#gmaps-error"})).apply() // default errorField is "#gmaps-error"
GmapErrors.wrongInputText = "Sorry, something went wrong. Try again!"
GmapErrors.incorrectLatLngText = "Woah... that's pretty remote! You're going to have to manually enter a place name."
GmapErrors.incorrectAddressText = function(value){"Sorry! We couldn't find " + value + ". Try a different search term, or click the map."}


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request