Rails Portfolio

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Easily build a minimalistic portfolio site by dropping this gem into your rails project.

See an example site at: http://edd.bz.


This gem depends on paperclip, so make sure you meet all its requirements (e.g. ImageMagick).

If you go with our default authorization system we'll also depend on devise.


1) Add it to your Gemfile

gem 'rails-portfolio'

And run bundle install.

2) Install

Run the following command:

rails generate portfolio:install

This will create:

  • config/initializers/portfolio.rb

And insert code into:

  • config/routes.rb
  • app/assets/javascripts/application.js
  • app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

Make sure you have a root path defined. If you'd like to point the root path at your portfolio, uncomment the line:

root 'portfolio/sites#default'

3) Define your authorization method

If you don't have an authorization method already in place, you don't have to do anything and we'll setup an admin_user table and login interface for you (through devise), if you'd like to use your own auth method you'll have to uncomment the following lines in config/initializers/portfolio.rb:

Portfolio.setup do |config|
  config.auth_method = :custom
  config.auth_action = :my_auth_action!

my_auth_action! is the method that'll be called before enabling the user to access the portfolio admin panel, so make sure it exists and only returns true when properly authorized.

4) Migrations

  1. Run: rake portfolio:install:migrations to copy the portfolio migrations into your project.
  2. Run rake db:migrate to execute them.

6) Create an admin user

If you are using our authorization method you'll need to create an admin user in order to access your new admin panel, do so by running:

rake portfolio:create_admin_user[your@admin_email.com,your_secure_password]


Once installed you can start setting up your portfolio by going to /portfolio/admin (if mounted under /portfolio).

Create a portfolio item and set it as default, then you'll be able to access it from /portfolio or wherever you decide to mount the engine.