
Work in progress, you can use it like this, see Important


Run it with:

rails api:benchmark

Display your configuration with:

rails api:benchmark:config

Example output:

  "concurrency": 2,
  "host": "localhost:5000",
  "nb_requests": 1000,
  "results_folder": "benchmark",
  "auth_header": "Authorization: Token token=benchToken",
  "curl_cmd": "curl -H \"%{auth_header}\" http://%{host}%{route}",
  "bench_cmd": "ab -n %{nb_requests} -c %{concurrency} -g plot.tsv -H \"%{auth_header}\" http://%{host}%{route}",
  "server_cmd": "bundle exec puma",
  "env_vars": {
    "RAILS_ENV": "production"
  "regexps": [
      "key": "response_time",
      "name": "Average time per request (ms)",
      "regexp": "(?-mix:Time\\s+per\\s+request:\\s+([0-9.]*).*\\(mean\\))"
      "key": "req_per_sec",
      "name": "Requests per second (#)",
      "regexp": "(?-mix:Requests\\s+per\\s+second:\\s+([0-9.]*).*\\(mean\\))"
  "routes": [
      "name": "candidates_per_25",
      "route": "/candidates",
      "method": "get",
      "title": "GET /candidates",
      "description": "Get first page of candidates (default 25 per page)"


  • Only JSON responses are supported yet
  • Only GET requests are supported yet
  • Configuration is not validated


  • Install gnuplot
  • Install ApacheBench

For ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install gnuplot
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
  • Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails_api_benchmark'
  • And then execute:

  • Provide necessary configuration in initializer, generate it with:

rails g rails_api_benchmark:config
  • Next, add this to your Rakefile:
require 'rails_api_benchmark/benchmark_tasks'

You can now run:

rails api:benchmark


The README is the benchmark index, the page you’ll see in benchmark/ folder. It lists all the routes configured to be benchmarked:

Benchmark Index

Results are listed in a summary table to allow fast-spotting of slowdowns:

Benchmark Summary

Result page for a single route with gnuplot:

Benchmark Results


Contributions are welcome


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


  • POST requests handling
  • Add simplecov to permit controller coverage for example
  • Document configuration template file