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Rails API validation errors

Untranslated validation errors with all meta data for APIs behind Javascript frontends


The easiest way to install Rails::API::ValidationErrors is to add it to your Gemfile:

ruby gem "rails_api_validation_errors"

Then, install it on the command line:

$ bundle install


Include Rails::API::HashValidationErrors in your API’s base controller. This makes sure that Rails will not translate error messages, but returns a hash per attribute and error including the error key and meta information.

ruby class API::BaseController < ApplicationController include Rails::API::HashValidationErrors end

To use the new error messages simply return the model’s errors in JSON or XML in your controllers:

```ruby class API::PeopleController < API::BaseController

def create @person =

if @person.valid?
  render :json => @person
  render :json => { :errors => @person.errors }
end   end

end ```

This will result in the following JSON response in case of validation errors:

json { "errors": { "name": [ { "message": "blank", "meta":{} } ] } }