

  • rails 4 or newer
  • jquery-rails


Add to your Gemfile

gem 'rails_jquery_cropper'

Add to your application.css

*= require cropper

Add to your application.js

//= require cropper

bundle install !


Found a bug or you'd like to add a feature:

  • Fork the repo
  • Clone your fork https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/rails_jquery_cropper.git
  • Create a new branch pull-request-name
  • Run the one and only unit test rake test
  • Run the app server in test/dummy (bundle install && cd test/dummy && rails s)
  • Go in your browser to '/' and confirm that everything is working or you can reproduce a bug you found
  • Now you can start coding your feature/fix!
  • Submit a PR in the end

jQuery Cropper is out-of-date?

  • Follow the steps in Found a bug or you'd like to add a feature until running the unit test
  • Run rake update which will download the latest CSS and JS of jQuery Cropper and place it in vendor/assets/

If you're not in a hurry (means you can wait 1-2 days at most)

  • Commit, push and submit a PR.

If you're in a hurry and need the updated jQuery Cropper ASAP:

  • Push your updated fork.
  • Modify Gemfile rails_jquery_cropper line like this gem 'rails_jquery_cropper', github:'YOUR_USERNAME/rails_jquery_cropper', branch: 'your-branch'