Rails Loki Exporter

:gem: Rails Loki Exporter :gem: is a simple log epxporter for Rails.

Export logs for your Rails application to Loki instance and access them through Grafana dashboard.


:exclamation: Before you start make sure you set up the following:

  • Grafana Dashboard
  • Loki Server


Rails Loki Exporter's installation is pretty straightforward.

Using Bundler:

  • Add a line for Rails Loki Exporter gem in your Rails application Gemfile: rb ... gem 'rails_loki_exporter', '~> <version>' ...
  • Install dependencies using bundler: sh $ bundle install
  • In your Rails application create config/config.yml file: auth_enabled: true base_url: 'Your grafana loki url' user_name: 'Your User number' password: 'Your Grafana.com API Token' log_file_path: 'log/#{Rails.env}.log' logs_type: '%w(ERROR WARN FATAL INFO DEBUG)' interaction_interval: 5 max_buffer_size: 100 intercept_logs: true
  • Add block for Rails Loki Exporter in your application.rb file: ``` require 'ruby_for_grafana_loki' ... ... ...

config.after_initialize do config_file_path = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'config.yml') logger = RailsLokiExporters.create_logger(config_file_path) Rails.logger = logger end

- Start your Rails application:
$ rails s


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a production system.


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