
Railspacker is a alternative to Webpacker. The motivation is to give more control over the webpack to the developer, avoiding wrapping it in ruby, opting for the configuration.


This is an early version, if you liked the design concept, and intend to use it, let me know. Consider contributing, knowledge with testing for rails plugins will be welcome.


  • Ruby 5.1 (+ Yarn);
  • WebpackManifestPlugin on;

Getting started

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'railspacker'

Then run bundle install

Next, you need to run the generator:

$ rails generate railspacker:install

Add script in application template via pack_path

<%= javascript_include_tag pack_path('pack_name.js') %>

Railspacker has created the necessary files and a preconfiguration for you to begin development. Read the next session to understand how to proceed.



Start WebpackDevServer in separated process to serve live code reloading assets:

$ yarn run serve

NOTE: The devServer already comes preconfigured, if you want to change the configuration, be sure to look at the railspacker configuration in config/initializers/railspacker.rb


System test approach is: compile packs before tests. For this, Railspacker installer added command Railspacker.run 'build-test' to your ApplicationSystemTestCase. So, when you run System Tests, yarn will run package script named 'build-test'. The output public/packs-test will be created, and ignored to git via .gitignore


To production environment, Railspacker enhance the task rails assets:precompile. Thus, the packages will be compiled soon after the assets task:precompile.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.