Telesign is a Rails plugin for interacting with the Telesign Phone Verification service.
Installation with Bundler!
Add the following do your bundler file:
gem "railsware-telesign"
And then somewhere in a Rails initializer:
Telesign::ApiRequest.customer_id = <Your Telesign CustomerID>
Telesign::ApiRequest.authentication_id = <Your Telesign AuthenticationID>
Sample Usage
PhoneID and Phone Verification calls require a phone object.
phone ="555555555", "United States")
Telesign provides a PhoneID service for identifying phone numbers. This is useful for stopping users from entering phone numbers which are easily obtained, such as Pre-Paid Mobile or Non-Fixed VOIP phones.
identity = Telesign.identify(phone)
=> "US"
=> "San Francisco"
identity.phone_type == Telesign::PhoneType::MOBILE
=> true
Phone Verification requires a random verification code to be read to the callee.
code = Telesign.verification_code
# Calls the phone number provided and reads the callee the verification code
verification =, code)
reference_id = verification.reference_id
You can also verify using a text message:
verification = Telesign.sms(phone, code)
After calling the user, you should save the random code and the reference_id for later use. The random code will be used for comparison with the code entered by your user through a form, which will determine whether they are phone verified or not.
You can also request the status of a specific call, using the previously saved reference_id:
status = Telesign.status(reference_id)
=> true
Fork the project and submit pull requests.