Rainbow extends ruby String class adding methods to wrap the string with ANSI escape codes.
Rainbow adds following methods to String class:
- foreground(color) (with color and colour aliases)
- background(color)
- reset
- bright
- italic (not well supported by terminal emulators).
- underline
- blink
- inverse
- hide.
Each of those methods returns string wrapped with some ANSI codes so you can chain calls as in example above.
Color can be one of following symbols:
:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white, :default
If you have 256-colors capable terminal you can also specify color in RGB which will find the nearest match from 256 colors palette:
"Jolacz".color(115, 23, 98)
For support on Windows, you should install the following gems:
gem install windows-pr win32console
If the gems aren't installed strings are simply returned unaltered.
Rainbow can be disabled globally by setting:
Sickill::Rainbow.enabled = false
It will be disabled by default if it detects that STDOUT is not a TTY.
gem install rainbow
require 'rainbow'
puts "this is red".foreground(:red) + " and " + "this on yellow bg".background(:yellow) + " and " + "even bright underlined!".underline.bright
Rails Usage
You're probably wanting to add colour to your logs. To do so you must explicity enable rainbow because it will detect that STDOUT (ie: the log file) is not a TTY.
To make things easy, create the file config/initializers/rainbow.rb
and include the following:
require 'rainbow'
Sickill::Rainbow.enabled = true
- Marcin Kulik
- Xavier Nayrac