Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


  • option_reopen -> upsert should be optional (add upsert: false as default an raise missing option if not found)
    • The error on missing short pops up where it's not clear the short was missed in the option_reopen call.
  • Option results
    • Include the symbol name keys (configurable). Note that dash will be replaced by underscore.
  • Type Coercions
    • Add a way to define/redefine a set and use them.
    • Add more supported type_coercions as native to the gem (i.e. Symbol)
    • Add support for ActiveRecord::Enum
  • Option definitions
    • Order: where: [:tail, :top] and [after, before]: :option_name
    • Configuration: allow to define option override behaviour and whether it should trigger an exception
  • Error handlers
    • See if it would be possible to parse all the valid options so we get all the valid results before some error is raised. Although this can be achieved with OptionParser#order!, it destroys switches; which would require to give it two parsing shots whenever there is an error.
      • It should be ensured that the parsed options results object is remains the same.
      • Think about options that modify other options. Technically this should be hold only at behaviour level
    • This would allow to make the order of the options irrelevant when it comes to modify error handling behaviour via options themselves.
  • Rake task parameters (see: &
  • Add enhance functionality (when a task is invoked it runs before it; declared with task as well)
  • Add no_short option (which should give the result of that option with the option name key)
  • Add on_option handler at instance level, so within a task definition, we can decide certain things, such as if the functionality should be active when the self.class does not have that option.
    • This is specially useful to be able to extend through inheritance chain, where we extend task (rather than redefining it), but we don't want options we removed (with option_remove) to throw unexpected results.
    • Example: on_option(:t, defined: true) {|option| do-stuff} <- block to be called only if the option is defined in the class (alternative: defined: :only)
    • Example: on_option(:t, defined: false) {|option| do-stuff} <- block to be called regardless the option exists (alternative: defined: :ignore)
    • Example: on_options(:t, :s, present: true) {|options| do-stuff} <- block to be called only when the option :t and :s are both present in the parsed options result.
    • Once this has been done, think about it being a hash-alike object with methods for the option names (i.e. options.debug?)


  • Option to globally enable/disable the 2nd patch?
    • That would make this gem completely useless.

[0.2.13] - 2023-05-xx




[0.2.12] - 2023-05-xx


  • RakeCommander::Option#type_coercion wasn't correctly captured.

[0.2.11] - 2023-05-01


  • When RakeCommander::Option#type_coercion is FalseClass, it should reverse the result.

[0.2.10] - 2023-05-01


  • RakeCommander::Options clean options_hash inheritance.

[0.2.7] - 2023-05-01


  • RakeCommander::Option#desc when fetching from other, should not fetch array but single value.

[0.2.6] - 2023-05-01


  • RakeCommander::Option configure_other should only apply when the instance vars are not defined.

[0.2.5] - 2023-05-01


  • RakeCommander::Base::ClassInheritable#inherited_class_value now expects a reference to the subclass

[0.2.4] - 2023-04-30


  • RakeCommander::Options
    • ::option_get retrieves an option by name or short, may it exist.
    • ::option? to check if an opion exists.

[0.2.3] - 2023-04-29


  • Include Symbol option names in the parsed option results.

[0.2.2] - 2023-04-29


  • Typo in RakeCommander::Base::ClassAutoLoader

[0.2.1] - 2023-04-29


  • RakeCommander::Option type coercion was not being inherited
  • Typo on coertion: writes coercion

[0.2.0] - 2023-04-28


  • Better support for RakeCommander::Options::Set
    • RakeCommander::Options::options_use accepts it as a parameter.
    • Added override parameter to specify if this should override clashed option names.
  • RakeCommander::Options::class_resolver to define the RakeCommander::Option class.
    • Serves the purpose to ease class extension through inheritance.
  • Ability to reopen options without changing the order.
    • RakeCommander::Options::option_reopen which upserts (adds if not existing).
    • New parameter reopen to RakeCommander::Options::option (redirects to the above method).
  • Automatic option shortcuts (implicit_shorts) show in help and only when applicable.
    • These are added automatically by OptionParser
  • OptionParser leftovers trigger an error by default.
    • This behaviour can be disabled or modified via callback/block by using RakeCommander::Options:Error::error_on_leftovers.
  • Description auto multi-line
    • Currently based on RakeCommander::Options::Description::DESC_MAX_LENGTH
  • RakeCommander::Options#remove_option
  • RakeCommander::Options::Error::Base and children can be raised using different methods (see RakeCommander::Options::Error for examples).
    • The task name that raised the error is included in the message.
  • RakeCommander::Options::Error::Handling which provides configurability around actions on specific option errors with a default to a general options parsing error.


  • RakeCommander::Base::ClassAutoLoader
    • Register excluded child classes (singleton classes) into their own property, rather than in the autoloaded_children (they are not autoloaded).
  • Missing rake dependency in gemspec file.
  • Boolean switch detection (pre-parse arguments) and parsing
    • It adds support for boolean option names such as --[no-]verbose
  • Error messaging. There were missing cases, specially with implicit short options.
  • RakeCommander::Options
    • #option_reopen fixed
    • Inheritance fixed


  • Development: examples invokation via Rake
  • Refactored RakeCommander::Options to acquire functionality through extension.
  • attr_inheritable and inheritable_class_var are the new names of previous methods
    • Behaviour has been changed, so you define if it should dup the variables, and you can pass a block to do the dup yourself. They won NOT freeze anymore, as we are mostly working at class level.

[0.1.4] - 2023-04-20


  • rubocop offenders
  • Added implicity exit(0) when wrapping the task block

[0.1.3] - 2023-04-20


  • Reference to repo and gem

[0.1.2] - 2023-04-19


  • First commit