Raketa Admin

Setup and run for development

This is a Ruby and Sinatra based application. Dependencies are managed with Bundler.

Make sure you have installed ruby (check .tool-versions for the required version, check asdf for managing the versions)

gem install sinatra
gem install bundler

./run-pry.sh will not reload the code on change but you can add binding.pry in the ruby code to debug something

Build and Use the gem

To build it

gem build raketa_admin.gemspec

To use it

gem install ./raketa_admin-0.0.0.gem

Make sure to point the gem

bundle config set local.raketa_admin /Users/zi/raketa/raketa-admin-ruby
require "raketa_admin"

Code quality

  • Run the tests with bundle exec rspec
  • Run rubocop with bundle exec rake rubocop