Random TCP Port Generator for Ruby

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It's a simple Ruby gem to get a random TCP port.

First, install it:

gem install random-port

Then, use it like this, to reserve a random TCP port:

require 'random-port'
port = RandomPort::Pool.new.acquire

The Pool guarantees that the port won't be used again. You can put the port back to the pool after usage:

RandomPort::Pool.new.acquire do |port|
  # Use the TCP port. It will be returned back
  # to the pool afterwards.

You can do it without the block:

pool = RandomPort::Pool.new
port = pool.acquire

You can also use a pre-defined Pool::SINGLETON singleton:

RandomPort::Pool::SINGLETON.acquire do |port|
  # Use it here...

The pool is thread-safe by default. You can configure it to be not-thread-safe, using optional sync argument of the constructor.

How to contribute

Read these guidelines. Make sure you build is green before you contribute your pull request. You will need to have Ruby 2.3+ and Bundler installed. Then:

bundle update
bundle exec rake

If it's clean and you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.