Package and deploy ruby rack based applications

Rappa is a tool which lets you package your rack based application e.g. Sinatra, Rails etc for easy deployment to a ThunderCat container. Visit the ThunderCat project to understand how this works.

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Rappa is written in ruby and was created to simplify the package and deploy process of Sinatra and Rails apps. The idea is to have a single artifact that is propagated through various environments and into a production environment via a deployment pipeline.


gem install rappa


The first thing you need is a rap.yml file which needs to live in the root of your project:

 :name: My Awesome App
 :version: 0.0.1
 :description: This App rocks
 :server_type: thin
 :pids: tmp/pids

All fields are mandatory apart from the bootstrap field. All the fields are pretty self explanatory but here is a detailed breakdown:

  • :name: - the name of the application
  • :version: - the version of the application
  • :description: - the description of the application
  • :server_type: - the type of server - supported servers currently are: thin, unicorn, webrick
  • :start_script: - the path relative to the root of your project which contains a script that starts your application
  • :stop_script: - the path relative to the root of your project which contains a script that stops your application
  • :pids: - the path relative to the root of your project that contains the pids generated when your application starts
  • :bootstrap: - the path relative to the root of your project to a script that contains extra commands to run before starting

Rappa works by trying to start and stop your application via the start and stop scripts you provide. It also uses the pids to figure out if your application is running or not. You can supply a script to run before start is called via the bootstrap field.

An example would be to have a thin project which uses Rake and has the following content:


 require 'rake'

 namespace :thin do

   desc "Start The Application"
   task :start do
     puts "Starting The Application..."
     system("thin start -e production -p 9991 -s 1 -d")

   desc "Stop The Application"
   task :stop do
     puts "Stopping The Application..." + '/tmp/pids').each do |file|
       prefix = file.to_s
       if prefix[0, 4] == 'thin'
         str = "thin stop -P#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/tmp/pids/#{file}"
         puts "Stopping server on port #{file[/\d+/]}..."

Start and Stop Scripts


 rake thin:start


 rake thin:stop


 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/sinatra_app'
 run Sinatra::Application


 echo "Inside the bootstrap"
 bundle install
 mkdir -p /some/dir/some/where
 echo "Done with bootstrap"

(Recommended that you bundle package instead of putting a bundle install in the though)


If you get an error related to zip/zip or rubyzip try adding this into your Gemfile when using the rappa gem directly

gem 'rubyzip', '< 1.0.0'

Rap file


:name: My Awesome App
:version: 0.0.1
:description: This App rocks
:server_type: thin
:pids: tmp/pids


Once you have your rap.yml in the root of your project you must navigate one level up and you can perform the following things:

  • package
  • expand
  • deploy
  • standalone_package
  • standalone_expand
  • standalone_deploy


This packages your application. You need a rap.yml in the root of your project and must be executed from one level up from your application e.g.

 rappa package -i path/to/your/app -o path/to/destination -e 'file1,folder1'

The -i is for input directory and the -o is for output directory e.g.

 rappa package -i ./myapp -o .

The -e is to specify files and folders to exclude from the package and it's optional

Will produce a myapp.rap in the current directory. The name of the folder of your application is what will be used in the rap archive.


This expands an existing rap archive e.g.

 rappa -a myapp.rap -d .

This will expand the myapp.rap into the current directory. (it will be inside a directory called myapp)


This deploys a rap archive to a thundercat server e.g.

 rappa deploy -r myapp.rap -u http://thundercat/api/deploy -k your_api_key

-r is to specify your rap archive and -u is the url of the deploy api where your thundercat instance is running. -k is your api_key which is configured in your thundercat server.

Standalone options

If you use any of the standalone commands they do the same as the regular ones except they work with a regular folder or zip file instead of a specific rap archive. The standalone_deploy will deploy the supplied zip archive to the thundercat instance in the /standalone directory

This is useful if you want to split your deployables into pieces and symlink folders from the /standalone directory e.g your asset pipeline or public directory


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