
alt tag

Gem for generate token to Auth


To use this gem add this line in your Gemfile

gem 'razoul'


In Rails applications create a razoul.rb in config/initializers

require 'razoul'
Razoul.configure do |config|
   config. = 'razoul'
   config.password = '123456'
   config.persistence = 'redis'
   config.redis_password  = '1234'
   config.token_key = 'RAZOUL_AUTH_KEY'
   config.prefix_token = 'RAZOUL'


Razoul need one controller to generate and get current token, to do tthis you need create a controller and extend this of Razoul::GeneratorController

class YourController < Razoul::GeneratorController

This controller have two routes

resource :yourcontroller do
get :new, :show

To get new token and get current, pass prefix_token(RAZOUL) + login and password in header of request

In controller you need some authentication you need add a before_action :authenticate

class ResourceController < Razoul::Controller
before_action :authenticate, :only [:<controller api action>]

And to use this resource, pass token in token_key(RAZOUL_AUTH_KEY) in header