Simply Ruby Gem to generate Gravatar tags

A simple and up-to-date Ruby gem for generating Gravatar image URLs and HTML tags. Easily add Gravatar support to your Ruby or Rails applications with this lightweight library.

"Buy Me A Coffee"


To install the rb-gravatar gem, run:

gem install rb-gravatar

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'rb-gravatar'

Then run:

bundle install


Basic Usage

Generate Only the Gravatar Image URL:

The Gravatar.src method returns the Gravatar URL for a given email, size, and optional default image.

require 'rb-gravatar'

# Basic Gravatar URL
puts Gravatar.src('[email protected]')
# =>

# With custom size
puts Gravatar.src('[email protected]', 32)
# =>

# With custom size and default image URL
puts Gravatar.src('[email protected]', 32, '')
# =>

Generate the Gravatar Image Tag:

The Gravatar.tag method returns a complete HTML <img> tag for embedding the Gravatar image in a web page, including optional alt text.

# Basic image tag
puts Gravatar.tag('[email protected]')
# => <img src='' class='gravatar' alt='' />

# With custom size and alt text
puts Gravatar.tag('[email protected]', 32, '', 'User avatar')
# => <img src='' class='gravatar' alt='User avatar' />

Using with Rails

When using Gravatar.tag in Rails views, Rails escapes HTML by default. To render the HTML tag unescaped, wrap it in the Rails raw helper:

<%= raw Gravatar.tag('[email protected]', 64, nil, 'Profile Picture') %>


  • Gravatar.src(email_address, size = 64, default_image_url = nil): Generates the Gravatar image URL.
    • email_address: The email address used to generate the Gravatar.
    • size: The desired image size (between 1 and 2048 pixels).
    • default_image_url: The URL of the default image to show if the user has no Gravatar.
  • Gravatar.tag(email_address, size = 64, default_image_url = nil, alt_text = ''): Generates the complete HTML <img> tag.
    • email_address: The email address used to generate the Gravatar.
    • size: The desired image size.
    • default_image_url: URL of the default image.
    • alt_text: Alternative text for the image.

DNS Prefetch

For faster image loading, add a DNS prefetch tag to your page headers:

<%= Gravatar.prefetch_dns %>

This inserts:

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">


Please see LICENSE for licensing details.
