Module: DefaultTerminology

Defined in:



defaultterminology – lookup tables for default type, enumerator and command definitions

Constant Summary collapse

Enums =
 'yes ' => :yes,
 'no  ' => :no,
 'ask ' => :ask,

 'case' => :case,
 'diac' => :diacriticals,
 'expa' => :expansion,
 'hyph' => :hyphens,
 'punc' => :punctuation,
 'whit' => :whitespace,
 'nume' => :numeric_strings,
 'rmte' => :application_responses,
Types =
 '****' => :anything,

 'bool' => :boolean,

 'shor' => :short_integer,
 'long' => :integer,
 'magn' => :unsigned_integer,
 'comp' => :double_integer,

 'fixd' => :fixed,
 'lfxd' => :long_fixed,
 'decm' => :decimal_struct,

 'sing' => :short_float,
 'doub' => :float,
 'exte' => :extended_float,
 'ldbl' => :float_128bit,

 'TEXT' => :string,
 'cstr' => :c_string,
 'pstr' => :pascal_string,
 'STXT' => :styled_text,
 'tsty' => :text_style_info,
 'styl' => :styled_clipboard_text,
 'encs' => :encoded_string,
 'psct' => :writing_code,
 'intl' => :international_writing_code,
 'itxt' => :international_text,
 'sutx' => :styled_unicode_text,
 'utxt' => :unicode_text,
 'utf8' => :utf8_text, # typeUTF8Text
 'ut16' => :utf16_text, # typeUTF16ExternalRepresentation

 'vers' => :version,
 'ldt ' => :date,
 'list' => :list,
 'reco' => :record,
 'tdta' => :data,
 'scpt' => :script,

 'insl' => :location_reference,
 'obj ' => :reference,

 'alis' => :alias,
 'fsrf' => :file_ref,
 'fss ' => :file_specification,
 'furl' => :file_url,

 'QDpt' => :point,
 'qdrt' => :bounding_rectangle,
 'fpnt' => :fixed_point,
 'frct' => :fixed_rectangle,
 'lpnt' => :long_point,
 'lrct' => :long_rectangle,
 'lfpt' => :long_fixed_point,
 'lfrc' => :long_fixed_rectangle,

 'EPS ' => :EPS_picture,
 'GIFf' => :GIF_picture,
 'JPEG' => :JPEG_picture,
 'PICT' => :PICT_picture,
 'TIFF' => :TIFF_picture,
 'cRGB' => :RGB_color,
 'tr16' => :RGB16_color,
 'tr96' => :RGB96_color,
 'cgtx' => :graphic_text,
 'clrt' => :color_table,
 'tpmm' => :pixel_map_record,

 'best' => :best,
 'type' => :type_class,
 'enum' => :enumerator,
 'prop' => :property,

 # AEAddressDesc types

 'port' => :mach_port,
 'kpid' => :kernel_process_id,
 'bund' => :application_bundle_id,
 'psn ' => :process_serial_number,
 'sign' => :application_signature,
 'aprl' => :application_url,

 # misc.

 'msng' => :missing_value,

 'cobj' => :item,

 'null' => :null,

 'mLoc' => :machine_location,
 'mach' => :machine,

 'tdas' => :dash_style,
 'trot' => :rotation,

 'suin' => :suite_info,
 'gcli' => :class_info,
 'pinf' => :property_info,
 'elin' => :element_info,
 'evin' => :event_info,
 'pmin' => :parameter_info,

 # unit types

 'cmtr' => :centimeters,
 'metr' => :meters,
 'kmtr' => :kilometers,
 'inch' => :inches,
 'feet' => :feet,
 'yard' => :yards,
 'mile' => :miles,

 'sqrm' => :square_meters,
 'sqkm' => :square_kilometers,
 'sqft' => :square_feet,
 'sqyd' => :square_yards,
 'sqmi' => :square_miles,

 'ccmt' => :cubic_centimeters,
 'cmet' => :cubic_meters,
 'cuin' => :cubic_inches,
 'cfet' => :cubic_feet,
 'cyrd' => :cubic_yards,

 'litr' => :liters,
 'qrts' => :quarts,
 'galn' => :gallons,

 'gram' => :grams,
 'kgrm' => :kilograms,
 'ozs ' => :ounces,
 'lbs ' => :pounds,

 'degc' => :degrees_Celsius,
 'degf' => :degrees_Fahrenheit,
 'degk' => :degrees_Kelvin,

 # month and weekday

 'jan ' => :January,
 'feb ' => :February,
 'mar ' => :March,
 'apr ' => :April,
 'may ' => :May,
 'jun ' => :June,
 'jul ' => :July,
 'aug ' => :August,
 'sep ' => :September,
 'oct ' => :October,
 'nov ' => :November,
 'dec ' => :December,

 'sun ' => :Sunday,
 'mon ' => :Monday,
 'tue ' => :Tuesday,
 'wed ' => :Wednesday,
 'thu ' => :Thursday,
 'fri ' => :Friday,
 'sat ' => :Saturday,
Properties =
 'pcls' => :class_,
 'pALL' => :properties_,
 'ID  ' => :id_,
Elements =
 'cobj' => :items,
Commands =
 :quit => ['aevtquit', {
                        :saving => 'savo',
 :activate => ['miscactv', {
 :run => ['aevtoapp', {
 :launch => ['ascrnoop', {
 :open => ['aevtodoc', {
 :get => ['coregetd', {
 :print => ['aevtpdoc', {
 :set => ['coresetd', {
                       :to => 'data',
 :reopen => ['aevtrapp', {
 :open_location => ['GURLGURL', {
                                 :window => 'WIND',
TypeByCode =

TypeByCode and TypeByName tables are used to convert Ruby Symbols to and from AEDescs of typeType, typeEnum and typeProperty.

TypeByName =

used to decode class (typeType) and enumerator (typeEnum) descriptors

TypeCodeByName =

used to encode class and enumerator keywords

ReferenceByCode =

ReferenceByCode and ReferenceByName tables are used to convert between appscript- and aem-style references

ReferenceByName =

used by ReferenceRenderer module to convert property and element four-char codes to human readable names

CommandCodeByName =

CommandCodeByName; used by Terminology._make_reference_table to check for any collisions between standard and application-defined commands where the command names are the same but the codes are different
