This library maps the standard arcade controller keyboard mapping to Ruby constants that can be used when checking which button was pressed. This library assumes you're creating a Gosu game. Please submit a pull request if you would like to support other game libraries.


Add this line to your game's Gemfile:

gem 'rcade_controls'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rcade_controls


In your game, you can check if the key pressed matches the button that you expect:

class Game < Gosu::Window
  def button_down(button)
    case button
    when Coin1, Coin2    then insert_coin
    when P1Start         then start_one_player_game
    when P1Left, P1Right then move_player_one(button)
    when P1Button1       then player_one_attack!
    when Quit            then close

For the full list of mappings, refer to the source code.